number one. the move and greet

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"hurry the fuck up and put your shit in the room" my sister was constantly yelling. i was ushered here to help her with the farm that i barely wanted to be apart of. but you know here i am, beyond suffering. 

half the people coming to meet us are only meeting her, probably because im hauling my stuff and hers. go figure. "so the saloon?" she questioned lewis and only got aa nod. "the best beer in this whole town" he spoke with a smile always. 

hes the major or whatever so i guess what ever he says goes. it seems pretty boring, im used to the city, the country city at least. but this was cheaper then anything we could think of. "excuse me, uhm major lewis. i heard there was a carpenter?" i butted in to the conversation. 

"yes, robin. she lives up the hill" he answered. "cool, so is it like appointment only?" i asked my next question. "no, you can walk in anytime. ill tell her you will swing by today or tomorrow. you should both unpack and meet people and explore" he added and then left. just dipped. 

i got my room undone and setup while my sister ashley sat there drinking her liqour store bought tequila. i knew once i was done it was a walk around the town. everyone kept looking at me and i hate it. i feel so out of place, and half of it might be that i look like i havent seen the sun in years. my skin had been the lightest its ever been. not to mention the extreme amount of black makeup and wardrobe despite it being a breezy 75. 

walked past the store, walked past the saloon, walked past the ranch, walked onto the beach, walked to joja mart or whatever the fuck it was. im officially lost. "need help?" i heard a voice behind me and when i turned around there was a child. "uh" i managed to stutter. 

"im vincent" he answered. "uhm.." i still couldnt utter a single word. "jas?" he called over to another child hiding behind a tree. "maybe shes shy vince" the little girl spoke. "what are you looking for" she then asked me. 

i made a bunch of movements with my hands until they both got it. and now im being led by 2 kids to my first place destination. and when i finally got there i realized that these people all lived in their stores. "hello im robin you must be ashley" the girl at the counter spoke up. 

i shook my head no and now shes confused. "your not ashley? are you a tourist?" she asked only earning a headshake. and then she handed me paper and a pen. i wrote the deal and such down and around. 

"so your y/n, ashleys sister. you just moved in and you want to build a home next to hers on the same plot of land" she spoke out only getting a nod. "granted building a new house will cost  you a pretty penny" she then looked at me. "we can start a mortgage payment plan and add interest to it at a 4 percent for a monthly rate" i spoke out writing down all the math. 

and now shes looking at me like im dumb. only to see vincent trying to climb on top of me to see what i wrote. "interest and mortgage. your from the citys arent you?" she then questioned which made me only nod my head. and now shes laughing only attracting 2 other people. 

"this math is phenomenal" a older man spoke only to be admired by a girl around my age. robin smiled and looking at me while i bit my nail out of embarrassment and anxiety. sure people talked where i came from but it usually was never this long or this often. 

"how old are you?" the older man asked only earning a hit from robin. "my apologizes, Demetrius. and this is my wife robin, and my daughter maru" he spoke up waiting for me to speak only for robin to show him the note i wrote. "y/n has a nice ring to it doesnt it?" he spoke only to look at me. 

"cut you a deal. you pay in your method, but if you fail to make a payment for the month we will make you pay in full" he added getting a nod from me. he vanished and came back 5 minutes later with a paper for me to sign. a contract now thats more like it. "oh sebastian come meet" robin started speaking only to get cut off. "pass" that was all i heard behind me. 

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