num 3; the deepest cut

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its been a single month, ONE MONTH. the bills are high but the profit is good. ashley is struggling to keep up with everything, even though her house is free. but the barn wasnt, shes making payments on the barn which im going to pay off anyway. i made it big, literally. i went mining, i foraged, i got a payslip from the school for a lot, i had enough to pay off the house and barn. how i managed to make 90,000 is beyond me. 

and as far as i know sebastian and abigail are still together, me and sam are still together and hes trying to throw a happy one month thing for me. sebastian comes over just to do my homework with me cause i guess hes into it. abigail hates me, sam still wont leave me alone. 

i have a call with everyone and its a saturday. its supposed to be farm work all day, but this project is due. its the end of the month out project is shit right now. we still have editing, the dancing, the costumes, the putting everything together, the tuning of music and voices and its due in 2 days. 

a team of procrastinators. love and sadness. i suck at love so even getting the tone right was horrible. and sadness wasnt hard to come by but in the end i sounded more angry then sad. anger is a sign of grief so its fine. but the gang of local troublemakers is sitting in my livingroom watching the tv. 

and theres my phone. "we have to work on this shit" it was jude but i know that tone. the slurred slowed speech. "jude..." i spoke trying to hold back everything i could. "yeah?" he answered. "why do you feel the need to be high all the fucking time" i questioned

when i looked back everyone was looking at me. "oh its fine, lets just get this shit start miss i finally have wifi. anyway, you have the call thing on your laptop i installed it. so ill start the chat and we can get started. but imma pack a bowl really quick" he spoke only making things worse. 

"jude, oh jude, oh how i love you jude..i will personally rip you apart from top to bottom and i swear to god when i get to the bottom you will no longer have the ability to" and then he hung up. and with a groan i looked back at everyone else only in time for the call to start. 

"y/n gonna hurt my baby makers iggy stop her" jude was the first to speak. "fair" she answered to him. "lets hurry and get this shit over with, i have a pussy appointment i need to get to" noah spoke on the other side and now they are really looking at me. 

sam and sebastian were the first to be nosy assholes. "theres 2 boys on the screen" noah spoke "WHAT?" that was all jude yelled before looking back at the screen since he was on his phone. "who the fuck" was his next question. "this is sebastian, he helps with the mortician homework. and this is sam" i was going to give him a personal about him but i was cut off. "im her boyfriend" sam answered and now everyone is shocked. 

"pussy" noah had to remind us. so once they got sat down we all got started on it. and it took 4 hours just to even get the autotune in. and it wasn't even much. but we had to mash multiple together to get the true experience. 

"mrs.morris said rocky or hard tarain to dance on" iggy spoke up. "i got a patio" noah spoke "i got a gravel road" iggy followed. "i have nothing" jude answered next. "i have a beach?" i spoke with a question and now they are making plans. and in the end the group of kids was gone. 

"think we can today?" iggy asked. "PUSSY APP" noah shouted at us. "fuck her" jude spoke. we all wanted a good grade. "i will" noah spoke only to then end his side of the call. and now in a short amount of time they will be over in like 30 minutes. 

not to mention the new assignment which emily so kindly helped me with in the making of it. its a dress but its supposed to be like a torn up wedding dress because of distress or whatever. i just got it today. the assignment is due in 5 days but i feel like the beach would be a better place to do it at. 

its just dancing over already sung music, so its just choreo.  but i got to work on what little i could, and tomorrow its a rinse and repeat of doing this stupid project. anyway the song is about a girl meeting a man, he gets enlisted into the army, she writes him everyday until one day, she gets a letter that hes coming and when the day comes she gets handed the folded flags. super emotional and i have to make it breath taking. 

but the longer i worked the less i saw them come until i was hugged from behind by jude. "what a place. now lets go get everything and pray no one here sees" he spoke and i led everyone to the house. we all got ready one by one. for the love which was first it was a simple skirt and long sleeve. cant forget the button heels and the long socks which never seem to stay up for long. 

we got masks to cover our faces cause believe it or not it was my agreement. it was only half masks. jude was a demon, iggy was a deer, noah was a crow, and i was a fox. a white mask with black lines and tiny jewels.  

the second we started filming was the  second we all had to hide from people. so it was going to have to be quick. and it was. we knocked out both dance videos in 2 hours. and hour for each. and then it was time for the bride and groom. iggy was the other solider in the whole thing, she gets him, she brings the flag. 

i had to run back once more to change into this horrid white dress. but i was aloud to wear socks. white socks. we did have to go into the streets cause there was no way i was dancing to this in the sand. 

once it all started it was more harder then i thought to get the emotional aspect of it all. i had to listen to the music over and over. until iggy just played it outloud. we did everything without music to not drag attention to ourselves. 

and there was jude, in a little army uniform he borrowed from his father and iggy wore judes mothers uniform. jude put his arm around my shoulder and looked down at me. "you got this. get into it. get sad, get upset. youve just been left, hes dead. no way to talk about him" jude spoke and then we both looked up to see abigail who just looked at us and ran off. 

fuck it, if shes a snitch shes a snitch. we started the music and started and it was meant to be meaningful. the moves graceful and hectic. in distress, and grief is a main thing. shes remembering everything, shes missing him. 

and now jude was out the picture and it was just me. it was a slight ballet thing. which is already hard for me. and when i looked back up after being focused there was a crowd, and now i feel stupid. "why?" jude began to speak only to look back and see half the town. "fuck em keep going" jude spoke that was his prep talk. so i did. 

i tried my hardest not to focus on the eyes on me. and with no mask its harder since i already know the camera is going to be on me. but in the end when iggy brings the flag jude returns with her as a ghost and holds me as i sat on the floor in despair. and then it was over. 

and i looked at jodi who was crying and sam trying to comfort her. i forgot her husband is on duty. and in the end i could go back home and get out of this while they got changed and went back to the city. 

it was even 7 when jodi knocked on my door. "where did you get the uniforms?" jodi asked. "judes parents were both enlisted" i spoke and now shes looking at me. "are they?" she asked and i shook my head no. "but he got them so hes not complaining" i answered. "so jude hes?" she asked. 

"ive known him since i was born. our mothers were friends. just natural we stayed friends like they did" i answered. "why do you live with ashley?" she asked more and now i feel like this is an interrogation. i opened the door for her to come in and she sat on the couch. 

"my mother and father got divorced, my mother had a active meth addiction and drinking problem. shes you know, underground and my father booted me out when i was 18. i lived with ashley i was going to move in with jude since he lives next to the campus, but ashley brought me here anyway. and iggy. shes got both her parents and shes gay." i answered in a long paragraph. 

"im glad you and sam get along well. its about time he had another girlfriend. but thank you for telling me and bringing me more comfort" she spoke with a sad smile, the reality truth was she was hurting. she didnt know if that was going to be her fate or not and it hit hard. 

i watched her leave and here came same through the front door 5 minutes later. he decided he was going to spend the night. i let him only because i was to tired to try to even think about why he shouldnt. 

but the night was young, and i was tired. 

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