num 2- conformality

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it was another day another dollar, ive been at this for a week now. ashley is giving me no wiggle room either between classes and the farm. it wasnt supposed to be this way, i was supposed to live with my friend and from there who knows. i probably be making a shit ton more money. 

either way everyone knows of me all because the bitch next to me cant shut her fucking drunk mouth. not one single soul here lets me just walk alone, not even the people my age. sam is up my ass, sebastian always finds a way to run into me, abigail will not shut up about how i have to much free time for a farmer, shane literally fucks my sister, elliots words seem dull all the time. 

no time for that anyway i have class and ill be damned if i miss this fucking project. and the second i stepped out the door there was sam. "i came to walk you to the bus" he said looking at me "you know its right there yeah?" i asked and he gave me a nod and started walking all the while looking back to see if i was still following. 

"you go to the university there dont you?" the then questioned only getting a nod from me. "what are you majoring in?" i looked at him. "forensics and mortuary" i answered and now it looks like hes shivering inside. "and your minor?" he questioned "group pack for musical talent and choreography" and now hes smiling. "what do you play?" he asked only to be cut off by me getting on the bus. 

it was a long ride there followed by me seeing my childhood bestfriend and my highschool bestie. jude and iggy. ive known jude since i was freshly born and iggy i met her in middle school but didnt hang out until freshmen year. sure we have been in this uni for a total of 2 years but we all aimed for a bach degree. 

go to first class, take notes. go to second class, take notes. go to lunch, eat. go to fourth class, notes. go to fifth class, get the project, do the project, record the progress, submit. take the bus back. look at sam who is waiting for me. 

"so, i figured since your so busy with school, for the low low price of" and then he got quiet. "being my girlfriend" he whispered. " i will help you with your work and farm work" he spoke just as normal with a smile. "what?" i questioned only to get a bright purple bouquet of flowers in my hand. 

"your giving me flowers?" i questioned. "its a town tradition that this is how you ask someone to date you" he explained it. i took it anyway and just agreed, extra help is always good in my eyes. i had to go to the saloon first and there she was. "im back" i said only to leave again. but then i got pushed back in to hang out with sams other friends. 

while he laugh and played i did homework. "fuck im stuck" i spoke out only getting sams attention. "whats the question?" he asked stopping his game of pool which made abigail and sebastian to both look at me. "A factor that indicates the use of a more dilute arterial solution is.." i read it out and now hes looking at me confused. "whats the subject?" sebastian asked "its either forensics or mortuary" sam answered. 

and now sebastian is looking at the papers and laptop. "its c. emaciation" sebastian answered only to scroll done. "that one is D. thats A. and the last one is D.postmortem conditions" he finished only to hit the ball into the side cup of the pool table after. 

"thanks" i spoke back which i think is the only time i have ever told him thank you. abigail was looking at me like i had just ran over her child. it would make sense they are a couple and have been for like 2 months. but i had more homework to do. 

and when the game ended sebastian came over to me instead to look at my work. "if the blood splatter is apparent on the wall in a dripping fashion, where might the victim have died" he read out. "its D" he then answered it. 

"sebastian come here for a second" abigail spoke and then dragged him outside. "i have farm work to do" i said leaving with sam in tow. and once i was able to set all my school stuff down it was game on. clearing the land, sam hauled everything away and made use doing small things. 

he had no idea what to do, shit neither did i but at least i fucking winged it. and now i guess due to the fast ass soil i have things growing. this fucking growth shit they have works magic. "you know, sebastian is probably getting yelled at for helping you" sam spoke up helping me chop down a tree. 

"oh yeah? why?" i asked "abigail doesnt like him talking to other girls" he explained. "cant blame her, its a jealousy trait apparently" i paused for a second. "its also a form of manipulation" i added only to keep going. "manipulation?" sam questioned. 

"think of it like this, i tell you, you cant talk to anyone but me, i barely let you see your friends, and your lucky if you get to see your family. its a form of isolation. if your isolated you depend on me, i cant control you easier if you feel like you have no one to go to" i explained in a way he would understand. 

"you think shes doing it to him?" he asked. "judging by the way hes getting fed up, yeah" i answered. we were both hauling and making room for robin to build a barn, i had the crops, i needed to save for a greenhouse. all the farm shit went under ashleys tab anyway. 

its not like i thought sam was dumber then me, but i did. "so your music thing, what do you play?" he asked walking me up to the house for the night. "a little bit of everything. i have to learn what im playing. i dont truly know how to play anything. but i guess thats what jude and iggy are for" i said opening my door, only to close it before he could ask anything else. 

he had to get home before his mother yelled. ive seen it and its not pretty. shes a sweet women, but when shes mad, shes mad. 

it was only 10. im pretty much half way on the farm, my homework is half way done, and my project is still a work in progress. the theme is love and the other theme is sad and rock. fuck i have to create a love song and a heartbreaking rock song. 

meaning its a sheet and call, the strums, the dance, the lyrics. it used to be easy when me jude an iggy all jumped off each other. and then theres noah, hes the bass for it all. he loves us to death but most the time we dont get paired. 

either way its a long ass day, its a long ass week....

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