num 13: the trilogy.

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it was the end of summer, the day of the moonlight jellies, and we had posted the videos about a week ago. abigail wont stop fucking talking about it. "theres lore, the 2 foxes are lovebirds, you can fucking see it. its the cutest little thing" she was rambling on while the 2 boys played pool. "sam you met them, how did you manage to get posted?" she asked looking at sam. 

"i dont know, i know a couple of people or 2" he said only getting beat by sebastian. sebastian wanted to keep up the persona a little longer, only a few songs. but mrs,morris was talking about giving both of them a full ride semester or 2 if they wanted to take it. i havent told them yet, and neither has jude when he came over to see nessa. but marianne and jude were coming over to look at he moon jellies. 

so when they finally got to the saloon sam and sebastian were the first to greet them. "so thats abigail?" marianne questioned getting a nod. "OH JUDE, SHES KICKING" she yelled but i wanted the first feel. and now the boys and abigail are looking at us weird. "your?" sam asked only getting a nod. "7 months today" she smiled at him. 

and now everyone was feeling her stomach, apart from sebastian who was just looking. sebastian had convinced me to just get dressed up for Abigail's birthday which is the same day as their little concert. all i had to do was sign something. and i stupidly agreed, jude said he wasnt going to talk at all, and neither will i. 

she knows us to much for us to speak. we were waiting until 10, but me being me said no and left to the beach early with jude and marianne. "you have a bathing suit on yeah?" jude asked looking at me the second we got to the end of the pier. "yeah, but i had to water a bunch of shit. plus im wearing white jude. its hot" i spoke only to get pushed in 5 seconds later. 

"your gonna make her asthma act up jude" marianne said giving him a little hit. and then she pushed him into the water. and now it was who can drown who. it was me and him spinning each other around trying to dunk each other while marianne sat at the end of the pier watching us. 

we both climbed up the pier and stood there. "at least its cooler" i said and then i got pushed in again. when i did come back up i watched jude get dead legged and fall in. and back up we went. "what the fuck?" sam asked looking at me soaking wet trying to get back on the pier. "oh dont worry about it" jude spoke but the second i got back on was the second he pushed me back into the water. 

it went on for another 10 minutes of him just keeping me from coming back onto the pier. "i give up" i said only laying on my back and letting the ocean take me. all of them were sitting at the end of the pier watching. all but sebastian who i guess had to get something i dont know. 

i did swim back and look at jude. "how bad is the mascara drip?" i asked getting a laugh. "it looks like youve been crying for hours" he answered. he stood up so i could get on the dock and then pushed me back off again. "what the hell is going on?" sebastian asked finally showing up. 

"jude wont let her on the pier, and everytime she gets on he pushes her off" sam answered getting a nod. "hey sam, what cool stuff do you have on you?" jude asked. "oh just my music player and a lighter" sam answered. "oh shit let me see" jude spoke and the second he handed them over marianne looked over. "jude no" she spoke but it was to late cause now sam is in the water. 

"sucks doesnt it?" i asked looking at him floating next to me. "damn it" sam spoke only to just laugh. abigail didnt have to even be pushed in, she just jumped in. i did try to get back on the dock, and i did only to be lifted and then thrown like a fucking football. "JUDE THAT HURT" i yelled, only getting a laugh. 

i really did just float away, laid on my back and floated away. im really glad my shoes are tight and not flying off my little feet. although i would rather me not be wearing them. when i saw how far i was i was doggy paddling back. once i finally made it everyone was pretty much just getting out. "i forgot you suck at swimming" jude said only making sam fall back into the water to drag me. 

once i finally got out all the eyes were on me. "you fucking caused this" i said looking at jude. "i forgot about the white shirt rule, thats on me" jude followed up with it. to make up for it i was handed sebastians jacket. it was the only one that would actually be able to cover. sams was pretty much a half jacket, judes was a jacket that didnt zip, and mariannes was mariannes. im not stealing a pregnant ladys jacket. 

everyone was gathering around the docks, and yet i was the only one sitting. you know swimming really takes a lot out of you. and somehow i got everyone sitting down next to me. with the acception of sebastian trying to hide the fact he was holding my hand. 

"i guess now is the best time to tell you that morris said she would see about getting both of you a full ride if you wanted to join her class" i said looking at both the boys. "you would be working directly under all of us" i followed up. 

they both started looking at me and jude. "wait your for real?" sam asked and we both nodded. "sam take it" abigail spoke hitting his arm. sebastian was more on the fence about it then he thought. "leave at 11, go home for 5" jude added which now they are thinking of it. 

"is there an online feature?" sebastian asked getting a small laugh from jude. "its a ride or die, you have to be in person for a lot of it. theres times y/n didnt go home until 1am because he had to get it just right" jude answered back. in the end they decided to pass. sam wanted to do his own thing, and sebastian just wanted to freely do it with me and not all the extra stuff. 

turns out morris gave all of us stupid ass names. like iggy is bonzai, jude is inferno, noah is corkscrew, and im literally just kitsu. which isnt even the full name of fox. but she named sebastian slyfox. i also have not seen the video jude edited for abigail to say theres a connection. 

"hey sebs?" abigail started speaking. "hm?" he answered back. "how come i saw sams but not yours?" she asked and now hes just panicked. i looked at jude. "sebastian has a girlfriend" jude blurted it out and now me and sebastian are looking at him. "and it happens to be kitsu, so that slyfox dude you were crushing on is him, and hes dating kitsu, and he wont tell us who she is" that was judes shitty explanation. 

"your dating the kitsu?" abigail asked only getting a defeated nod from sebastian. "and she made you look like that?" she asked again but this time it was a better nod. "and you gave her your jacket?" she asked pointing to me. 

and now the convo is over cause im leaving with jude behind me and marianne. "done pissed her off abigail" sam spoke. i did just sit on the shore with both of them. nessa did take her way to sit with sebastian for a little bit. until him and sam came running at me. "nessa said she had a crush on vincent" sam spoke up. causing me to look at her. "good for you" i said looking back at the ocean. 

it took a second for sam to look at me and sebastian. "your a dirty liar" sam said looking at sebastian. "the fuck did i do?" sebastian asked. "your dating y/n and you lied to me about it. both of you did" he spoke up. "in my defense, your one of like 5 people who know" i said and now hes looking at both of us. 

"who knows?" he asked "my mom, ashley, nessa, jude, iggy, marianne, and you" sebastian answered. and now hes a little less mad. "thats why you storm off so quick" sam said sitting down next to the group. abigail did end up joining in with all of us. it was still non stop about how sebastian hid he was dating the lead singer of nameless and didnt tell anyone. 

plan for the 10th we have the concert and i have to meet her in makeup. gross. but the jellies were coming. "you think i can touch one?" i asked looking at jude. "your hand not mine" he spoke back but the second i tried sebastian didnt let me. he was still holding my hand every chance he got. from out pov, it looks like a ocean full of glowing blue light. 

of course the 3 city folk were amazed, but so was everyone else who lived here still. 

at the end of the night me and sebastian went back to the farm house, i took my shower and got into dry clothes. he was already waiting in bed for me, so when i crawled in he was all over me. "you make me happy you know that?" he said kissing my cheek about a million times. the second i got closer to him was the second i pretty much fell asleep. being pushed into an ocean and swimming makes me tired. 

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