num 11: the journey

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it was tuesday, we were all at the saloon and abigail just stays running her mouth. i did talk everything over with sebastian and he said he would do a solo song. mainly because i wanted him to get our his comfort zone. 

"are you wearing sebastians sweatpants?" abigail looked at me. "nope" i answered making sure to pop the p. "you sure it looks identical, stains and all" she spoke again only sitting next to me. "why are you mad at me? you like him dont you? thats why your being a cockblock" she said once more and now they are both looking at us. i laughed, laughed right in her face to. 

"god, you could be a comedian with those skills. looking like a clown and shit" i said only making her mad. "at least im not a crybaby" that was Abigail's comeback. "doesnt your favorite band right now have a song based off of that?" i asked knowing that i do infact have a song about how i was a crybaby, and how i wrote the path for it. 

"what do you know about the nameless band?" abigail asked "not much" i answered. "then you dont get to talk about them" she was getting an attitude. "why do you both hate each other so much?" sam asked looking at both of us. "cause she didnt like me first" we both answered at the same time. 

"annoying ass voice" i said looking at her. "at least i dont dress like a slut and ask for male validation" she responded back. "at least im not the slut who sleeps with everyone in the whole damn town" i pretty much have this shit in the bag. and now shes quiet. "if you wanna slut shame i promise i can go lower" i said getting up and leaving the saloon. 

not gonna stick around for it. "you know you didnt have to" sam was the one who followed me out with sebastian behind him. "shouldnt have pulled it out first" i said to sam who pretty much agreed. "both of you fuck off" i said only walking faster. 

granted i needed to work anyway. i had to mix the tracks and put things together so sebastian had something. once i was halfway done nessa sat in my lap listening to it over and over while i worked on it. "if sebastian is singing it, whos going to help him? he has a low voice and you dont" nessa spoke up which brought a good question. 

"probably jude" i answered and now shes all happy. "oh brother jude, i miss him when is he coming back" she asked getting a shrug. "probably tomorrow, or Thursday" i answered. "but i have school" and now shes sad. 

"nessa my stomach hurts so much, and i feel like shit. please" i spoke and now shes running around. she gave me a hot sock, which is literally a sock filled with rice that you stick in a microwave. 

once i finished the whole project thing. i had to email it to jude and iggy. sams was on there and so was mariannes. and then i laid down with nessa joining me. it didnt take me long to fall asleep and when i did i was out. 

i had woken up the next morning to sebastian with his arm over me and nessa. nessa laid in the middle and sebastian was just about falling off the edge of the bed. now, i do have a double bed, but its not a double when you have me and nessa. we can make a king turn into a twin. 

"nessa" i said poking her and when she woke up she looked at sebastian who was still asleep. "your going to be late for school" i said and now shes crawling over him which did wake him up. "what the hell does she have school for?" he mumbled out. "she didnt attend first grade with my dad so now she has summer school" i answered laying back down as she walked to the other house. 

sebastian scooted closer and now ashley is looking at us. "so uhm, you know. what the hell?" she asked looking at both of us. "what?" i asked sitting up and sebastian just kept laying down. "nessa said sebastian is sleeping with y/n. and i had to crawl over him. and then she left" ashley spoke. "dont look at me, it was just us last night" i said laying back down again. 

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