num 6- sweet summers

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it was the sweet sweet summer, i had no more school, no more classes for the rest of summer. and then i do it all again next year. its my final year. i was at the saloon with the group of people who i just happen to be hanging with since i got here. 

"really just like that?" sebastian was asking about the whole music thing. "well there is a summer class, its online so i could." i answered. "why dont you?" he asked and we both looked at abigail and sam who were just staring at us. i got to texting jude and iggy. 

it didnt take long for them both to be down with the idea. it meant they got to see me more. plus they really like making music, like a lot. and then it was mrs.morris email and enrolling. so once i got the email back from her i looked at sebastian. i watched him walk over and sit on the couch next to me to read the email. "i would be delighted to have you, jude, and iggy back but what about jaxonoah? did he not agree? keep me posted and keep being musical talents" he spoke and then looked at me with a smile. 

once i got the page for the assignments it was the same thing, upload it to this channel and send it in. the first assignments were easy. group projects were always our thing, we could never physically do it alone. 

it didnt take long for sebastian to beat sam at pool once more for the 100th time. "dont you have crops to care for? animals? i know you have chickens" abigail said looking at me. "ashleys on it" i answered. ashley made a deal she would get clean in the case cps took our little sister from our father and stepmother. 

she just told me she called nessa, and from there nessa said step mommy and daddy hit me and hurt me. ashley called it in and it was a done deal. they are doing this whole thing right now and honest i hope she does live with ashley. "you wanna come back anytime soon?" i was knocked out my thoughts by sam waving his hand in front of me. 

no, he still wasnt over the fact i left. but he understood why i did, honest not my fault in the slightest. but i was leaving to Sebastian's house much like everyone else. "did you know we get city television outhere now?" he spoke up to all of us only for me, sam, and abigail to look at each other. "even get the city music" sebastian is a tweaker about the city. 

he hates people, hes going to hate the city.  but who am i to tell him not to go. i had to start this project anyway. it was all about rage. she literally put, get mad, get angry and write your anger. the next assignment is about your childhood. she said extra points if you have lyrics from when you were younger. the next was get someone else to sing, get someone else to learn to play. you are not aloud to be your own vocals. 

fucking shit. abigail wouldnt sound good, sam is just going to be upset the whole time, and sebastian hates everything that puts him in the spotlight. but they are playing that stupid game with the cards and the warrior and shit. i never learned what it was called. 

i ended up leaving half way through the game cause i got bored but i guess it was perfect timing. cause when i got there i was met with nessa and ashley standing outside. "you got nessa?" i asked. "if i didnt, she wouldnt be here" ashley gave me a smile. nessa hugged me and you know shes just a cutie patootie. she was 6. my mother had just had vanessa before she died, and my father was not happy he got stuck with 2 kids, one being a baby. i was 15 nessa was 5 months. 

"its crazy how similar you both look, you really got moms looks" ashley laughed a little. i guess we did. its been 3 years since ive seen her. and turns out shes already met jas, so i guess its fine? either way i had to get to work, but first it was a trip to the city cause all of my old papers are at my fathers, and if i make it the cops will still be there. 

turns out ashley had to go back anyway so now im going by car. jessica and my father are yelling at me and ashley. i left to go to the room with nessa to get the stuff i really couldnt when i got booted out. nessa was trying to pack all of her stuff. i had to help her get what little she had. i mean there was really nothing at all. barely any fitting clothes, barely any fitting shoes, no toys. i mean theres nothing. 

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