num 7: baffled by the darkness

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i had to dress for the heat and to ride on a motorcycle. its tasking knowing i know you should wear long sleeves and pants. thats always what jude said when i rode on his kawasaki. but its not with jude, and how can i entirely trust sebastian with my life. i woke up at 10, late per usual. 

i still had to shower, get dressed, get makeup on. and sadly ive outgrown a lot of my going out clothes. or undergrown. ive lost a lost of weight from running around everywhere out here. plus i dont think wearing a skirt is going to be my best friend on a bike anyway. 

ripped jeans, boots, and a tank with a mesh long sleeve cover will have to do. and for the finishing affect my makeup followed by jewerly in all of my peircing holes which i tend to cover up with clear. not today, today im bringing out the nose rings and the spiked septum, the eyebrow, the ears. 

i was finally ready and i still felt ugly in what i was wearing. maybe its the mesh? instead of a tank top what about the leather top that barely covers my tits? oh yeah, like it wouldnt fly off. but you know, it would probably look better. granted my jeans have more rips then fabric. 

thats it the cleave black leather top, ripped to hell black jeans. and the mesh to bring more sun protecting skills then without. the black boots, and i think im finally good. i got to the bus thing at exactly noon and there he was. no helmets, i guess its the scare factor of it all. not used to it. 

my eyelashes might fly off in the midst of this ride. i walked over and got on, took my position. "if you kill me im going to haunt you" i said only getting a laugh. i didnt bother to hold on to him, i knew how to stable myself anyway. so i sat there looking at my phone until sebastian went full fucking throttle which in turn almost knocked me off the back. 

i grabbed onto him squeezing the shit out of him. "sebastian your dead when i get off this thing" i pretty much yelled over the loud ass exhaust. he only went faster so where i once was comfortable i was now pretty much completely up against him. wasnt to happy about it. the seat is uncomfortable. and sebastian is just cruising. 

when i finally felt safe enough to let go he would speed up and i would hold on once more. "I NO LONGER FEEL SAFE AND I THINK I WILL TAKE WALKING AS AN OPTION" i yelled out which only caused him to slow down. it was a normal ride, no speeding up, no nothing. i was being smacked in the face by sebastians hair every 5 seconds. which got really annoying and painful. 

once we got to the town it was just as busy as always. "have you driven your motocycle in the city?" i asked as we came upon a red light. "not yet no" he answered. i took my arms off of him to put my phone away since i didnt have time to and i forgot my fucking mini backpack i always take with jude. "fuck" i said "what?" he asked. "i forgot my mini bag and my pockets are to short" i said only getting a hand. i put my phone in his hand and he shoved it in his pocket. 

when the light turned green it was a smooth sail, until he revved the engine. and once more we were stopped at a red light. "cars will hit you out here trust me on that" i said only to get silence. "can i see your hands?" sebastian questioned so i shoved my hands up there. he grabbed them both and put them around him. 

now i fucking get it, he feels its safer if i constantly have my arms around him so i dont fall off. unless thats not it and im delusional. there were ads all around for a new type of smoking around town. electronic smoking, to late im already a step ahead. not my fault it said it would quit with smoking. anyway ill be damned if anyone found out. ashley would have my ass on a stake. 

but it was then it caught my eye. the album cover of me,jude,and iggy in those stupid masks. i hadnt checked anything on the site we posted it on. it shouldnt be there. "you see that poster?" sebastian asked. "the one with the people in masks?" i questioned "yeah, their music just started hitting it big and its all sam and abigail talk about. i like the music, its diverse. they are from your university." sebastian spoke. 

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