number 4- shitshow

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you know this whole week had been get up, go to classes, go home, do work, farm way past bed times, go inside, do more work, maybe eat, and then go to sleep. get 2 hours of sleep and do it again. its been like this for the whole week. 

i havent seen sam for a week, and honestly maybe thats a good thing. im sure hes surviving come to think of it, we have maybe only kissed 3 times in a month and a half. hes only slept over once. and we barely hug. we just talk. and all of these events were in a closed room with no one around. 

but i was on my way to sebastians room, i knew they would all probably be there. "robin are they?" i asked and she gave me a nod. i walked down and watched as they all looked at me. "you look like shit" abigail spoke only to turn back to sebastian who was sort of angry at the fact she told me that. 

i sat on the couch next to sam and rested my head on his shoulder. big shocker to everyone in the room. "is something wrong?" sam asked only for me to shake my head. "okay" he said only to look back at everyone. "shes lying to you" sebastian chimed in. "how do you know?" sam asked. 

"puffy eyes. dark circles, paler features. she hasnt gotten much sleep, and shes dehydrated and malnourished" he answered sam. and now everyone is looking at sebastian weird. "textbook human things" he spoke up only to go back to what he was doing on his computer. 

"lets go get food" sam said dragging me up with him and leaving. it was a trip to the saloon and he got me a pizza and water. cold sounds nice apart from the fact it makes my teeth and throat hurt. im forever cursed to room temp or just below. 

i ended up drinking it anyway despite the fact it hurt every time. i feel like hes been told this before, that i cant have extremely cold drinks, maybe he just doesnt listen. but after all was said and done he snuck me into his room. "now you can go to sleep" he said climbing into the bed leaving room for me in his arms. 

and i did. only for about 2 hours later to be woken up by his mother yelling at him for having me sleep with him in his bed. you know, he likes me i know it. but theres no like true feelings of it. i can feel it internally. but the second i got booted out i just went home. sam got grounded and i went home. 

and within the next 5 hours it was 7. i was doing lawn work. harvesting the last crops of the season. i had to move onto the summer crops. "y/n" i heard a voice and there was sebastian. "dont tell abigail but here" i watched as he handed me a water. "hey sebastian" i spoke out. "yeah?" he answered. "are you happy with abigail?" i asked. 

there was a pause "honestly, i expected it to be better. are you happy with sam?" he then turned it onto me. and now theres a pause for me. "i know he likes me, but he doesnt like me that much. its conflicting. the extra help is nice in a way. but i feel like its a dead end altogether" i answered. 

"he has other priorities other then the relationship. like the band." sebastian spoke. i know he meant it as a you feel that way type of thing. "yeah, thats what it feels like" i said only for him to help me in pulling out the crops. "i made sure the water wasnt to cold, but wasnt to hot either" sebastian spoke up. 

"it will be better then the water sam gave me" i answered him back. "cold water?" he asked. "freezing cold with ice" i laughed about it earning sebastian to smile. "so abigail, you have to sneak around her a lot, and hear her yell at you. what good comes out of it?" i asked. "i guess a partner, ive wanted to date her for a year and when i finally got to i felt like it was something i was waiting for" he answered. 

"must be good pussy then" i spoke out, didnt mean to even say that. "actually" he said stopping to look at me. "its not" he said only going to continue with the crops again. "is sam good? is that why you stay?" he asked. "no, its not. it was so bad i had to just completely ask him to just stop so i could go to bed" i laughed about it and for once i heard a little laugh out of sebastian.

"so why do you stay?" we both asked at the same time once more. "i dont know" we both answered at the same time. it gave us something to laugh about. "what happens at the farm stays in the farm" i said getting a nod. me and sebastian always found a way to care about each other. despite our significant others hating it. "did you know sam hates when i talk to literally anyone but him?" i said getting a smile. 

"abigail hates when i talk to other girls, mostly you since your the only other girl i talk to. but she somehow hates when i talk to maru" he spoke up. "thats your step sister?" i questioned in a tone that was off put. "yeah, exactly. my sister. its weird isnt it? and somehow i know shes going to break up with me. just like sam is going to break up with you." sebastian telling trade secrets. 

and he was right. abigail broke up with him that night, she found out he was with me and lost it. its better for him in a way, so much better for him.  

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