num5 - dreamers

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noah had gone to the saloon to find ashley everyone was over. it was now summer, i skipped the whole moonlight jellies thing or whatever. i had work to do, but from the sound of the saloon there was a certain group. 

"noah, hand the phone to the blonde kid. ask him to hold it while you play the arcade game" i said and he agreed. "hey man, can you hold this for me while i play? my girl sewed my pockets so i aint got none" noah spoke "oh yeah for sure" sam replied and held the phone. there was pool balls clacking. "sam why dont you just do it?" abigail asked. "why would i?" sam spoke back. "well me and sebastian arent together anymore, so you can join us and be single. its better that way isnt it?" abigail said. 

i always knew she was plotting. "i dont see why i would break up with y/n" sam spoke. "whats so good about her? you never see her. shes always busy. and she never touches you. barely talks to you." abigail said making fair points. "its hard being a farmer abigail, you havent helped her in that fucking field" sam answered. "then leave, if you do you dont have to help anymore" 

it was quiet. "ill think about it abigail, its not the best relationship so its a chance that i will probably. i just want to have some more fun" sam answered. "sam, really?" sebastian asked. "where are you going sebastian? we are in the middle of the game" sam yelled out. "i think he has a little thing for her, hes been sneaking around the farm lately. like the night i broke up with him he was helping her pull crops out the field and gave her a water. he always helps her with farming, she can do it herself" abigail spoke. 

"thanks bud" noah spoke getting the phone back. "hey y/n you still there?" noah asked "yeah?" i answered. "oh cool, so uhm, they are both looking at me in horror, so you said that one store right? for the seeds?" noah asked. "yeah" i answered back. 

"give the phone back" sam was trying to grab it. "hey theres a blonde bitch trying to climb up me to talk to you i guess" noah spoke only to walk away and go to pierres. "get a bouquet" i spoke and he did. he got seeds and the purple flowers which i burned for 10 minutes in a furnace. i made sure to leave them on his bed when they got done. 

and then back to the farm house it was. there was a small dance at the uni tonight. like a party. drinking, drugs, music. the only topic was dress to impress. we all got ready. iggy, she always liked the lighter colors so she wore a short stormy blue grey dress that was very fluffy. the boys wore some black jeans and white regular shirts. and i...oh i. 

i wore a silk black floor gown with slits on both legs. corset around the waist, and a push up to make the girls pop just a little bit better then before. my heels also had to match by having ribbon wrap up my legs, and they werent to tall either maybe a 4 inch difference. 

makeup was in order next, and once we got that shit out the way we were all ready. "im startiing this off with a beer" jude said  and we all headed to the saloon and there abigail was talking to alex. "holy fuck" was all i heard from the brown haired boy next to her. and there sam was walking in with sebastian. "she gave me the wilted bouquet" sam spoke only to see me and the group of friends i was with. "shes single?" alex asked and now theres a certain boy haired boy tapping on my shoulder. "you look good" he said and i gave him a face of disgust. 

"bro smells like shit" iggy spoke out and gagged at him. and now his ego is hurt and there next to sam and abigail is sebastian looking at me pretty much just ignore alex in his whole existence. even then we left cause jude can chug the fuck out beers. 

on the bus there it was like a horny fest. everyone was looking at me and iggy. i would be lying if i said it didnt freak me out. jude was smoking on the bus, iggy was on her phone, noah was trying to tinker with something and i was paranoid someone was going to take me. 

when we finally got to the party, me and iggy got in for free while the boys had to pay 15 dollars each. but once we all finally made it in the first stop was the drinks. i know the rules of closed drinks only. meaning i will not be having the jungle punch but instead taking the bottle of vodka and throwing it back bland. straight from the bottle i had opened in the kitchen. turns out another girl saw me. "you know thats smart. ive been avoiding the punch for an hour" she spoke. 

i poured her a shot and it was just us taking shots in the kitchen until i tapped out. she followed suit in it. i always stop when i get tipsy only so im still coherent. it was dancing and resting and talking. jude was sitting on the couch with the people in a weed circle. 

i was constantly being hit on by this point. i had people blowing up my phone, i had people hitting on me in person, i had so much going on all at once that i dont even think my anxiety meds were working correctly. noah was the one to come to my rescue. 

"your trending on that one stupid app everyone loves thats why everyone is making a big deal" noah explained it and fuck i think i might kill myself, this is so stupid. "i wanna go home" i said only getting walked to the bus stop. "ill tell jude for you, have a safe ride" noah said watching me get on the bus. 

it was still a 20 minute trip to the next stop and from that stop i have to get on the bus that takes me to the town. it felt like forever and when i finally stepped foot in pelican town there was sam. "you know i didnt mean it right?" he said looking at me. 

i couldnt form a single sentence due to the fact my anxiety was like sky rocketed into the air. "you didnt have to give me it. so why not tomorrow we get another one?" sam spoke. i feel like an idiot for not being able to speak. "sam there you are" and heres abigail and sebastian. 

"not now abigail. so y/n?" he looked at me, fucking shit sam cant you read body language?

"sam, something isnt right" sebastian was first to notice. "yeah shes drunk sebastian" sam answered. "no, high anxiety shuts down the body. she has anxiety, your forgetting this. her body has shut down" sebastian explained only to grab my wrist to feel for a pulse. "here" and now sam able to feel how fast my heart rate is compared to a normal rest. 

i ended up just walking away after awhile of them all fighting with each other about everything. abigail yelling at sebastian for touching me, sam yelling at sebastian for knowing to much, sebastian yelling at both of them. i got undressed and redressed into comfy clothes and just went to bed. sure it was nerve wracking but its fine honestly, it was fun up until everyone started to notice me. 

i just need to sleep, sleep everything off, take meds before i go to sleep so i dont wake up hung over or in pain. 

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