num 14- ungodly

26 0 0

it was the 10th, the concert, and since the whole town and then some other people from the city found out sam was gonna be there more people showed up. sebastian was freaking out, sam was freaking out, abigail was nervous. 

i cant say shit because its been so long since ive been on a stage preforming. jude, iggy, and noah were standing in the background, waiting for the concert to be half way done before we all just got dressed. when it did we heard sam start speaking. "for abbys birthday i was a special gift, and it took some convincing from sebastian for his girl to agree, but we did it. oh dont forget 10 for a tape" he finished we watched a majority of the people leave, only a few stayed and all the towns people. 

we made out masked appearance, and shes losing it. "thank you both, this is a dream come true" she said going to hug me. i could only let it happen, she gave everyone else a hug even took a picture, just like the rest of the towns people and city people did. i had to sign a bunch of shit along with everyone else. 

best part was getting out and then running back while everyone was talking about it. "you missed the nameless, shame isnt it. to busy talking to people you know?" she asked only to look back at sam and sebastian hugging both of them to death. i saw sebastian smile at me, guess i was making a face. 

when we all got back she still wouldnt shut up about it. "you know, still a good thing even if you really dont like her" sebastian spoke leaning up against the wall of the saloon. abigail decided she wanted to play against sam instead of sebastian. "and she still hits on you" i followed up. "i cant help that, she knows im dating someone, just not that the someone is you" he spoke. 

"theres a party on the 26th for spirits eve, i have the gold key to take every girl here, marianne said shes the DD, and so is noah. but i figured id tell you" i spoke up getting a look. "in the city?" he asked, i gave him a nod. "lets go" he said only for me to put my hand on his chest. "entry fee for males is 55 dollars. its a frat house, aint no way your going. one its a giant party, two its expensive, and three im not putting you in that social circle" i said getting a look. 

"so let me get this straight. my girlfriend is going to a party without me, getting drunk, and i am just hoping?" he said looking at me. "i can handle myself. nothing bad will happen, i know party rules" i smiled at him. "if something does, you are never going to another ever fucking again" he said and he meant it. 

"oh and then spirits eve around 6, im taking nessa house to house to get candy in the city" i said getting a look. "and thats where you come in babe" i said trying to slide my way in. "babe? thats new what do you need from me" he asked now standing in front of me. " a cool little ride on the motorcycle, with nessa, and me" i said with a smile. 

"cant take a child, dont have an attachment" he spoke still standing in front of me. "but we can, jude just either stuck her in front or in-between us" i followed up. "ill think about it, but i need both of you safe" he answered. "thank you" i said ever so sweetly. "dont give me that tone" he followed up in a playful manner. 

the later it got the more tired i think i got. so when i started swaying sebastian pretty much wrapped it up for everyone and took me to his room. and the second i hit the bed was the second i fell asleep. 

when i woke up he was gone, i was alone. i dont like this feeling, its 9:30, so his mothers store is open. i went up the stairs and waved bye, i had school shit to do, i still had to enroll in classes, the music class, and everything else. it was my last year before i could take the NBE. 

but the second i finished enrolling, i was met with alex storming into my house. "yes?" i asked getting a look. "me and you, tonight, the saloon. i need to talk to you" he said and then left, and now im confused. but something tells me that something isnt right. 

so when the clock struck 9 i walked in there and saw him. "about time, anyway what i wanted to talk to you about" he looked at me as i sat at the bar. "so, i asked abigail, and she said you and sebastian werent dating, you are just really close, so i was wondering if for some reason there was a glimmer of hope for me?" he asked. "no" i answered. 

"why not? your good looking, im good looking? abigail said you would say yes" he said giving me the worst puppy dog eyes. "what else did she say?" i asked only to record on my phone in a hidden manor. "she said you would say yes to going out with me, i had a chance cause your standards are low, and on top of that she said you were worn anyway cause of all the guys youve been with, she said sam agreed with her" he answered. 

"did she really?" i asked and got a nod. "well thanks for telling me, but the answer is still no alex" i said with a smile getting off the bar stool and leaving. once i got home i was met with sebastian. "abigail said you were on a date at the saloon? with alex?" he asked looking at me. "said he wanted to talk, asked me out i said no, told me what abigail said and i still said no" i answered. 

he was looking at me, i showed him the audio and now hes looking at me again. "so not a date, but attempted?" he asked getting a nod. "now i am exhausted" i said laying in my bed only to stop sebastian before he got into the bed. "i recall you trying to accuse me of cheating" i said getting a sigh. "really? we are really doing this?" he asked. 

"i dont know, did you really accuse me of being unfaithful?" i asked getting a groan. "let me in the damn bed, i cant sleep without you" he said shoving his way in anyway. "good night sebastian" i said.  "your a pain in my ass" he followed up. "but you love me" i spoke getting a sigh. "unconditionally" he said putting his arm around me. 

it wasnt much more interesting.  

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