num 15: emergency

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it was the night of the party. iggy wore the angel i wore the devil, the meetup spot was the saloon. none of the boys got an invite and neither did fucking abigail dumb bitch, id leave her ass. everyone was dressed a little more sexy. apart from maru and penny. 

sam also wasnt to happy about penny going, but he was sucking it up with sebastian. "you better fucking be safe" sebastian spoke giving me a hug and a small kiss on the cheek. "also give me a little spin" he asked and i delivered. the next second i was spinning and then i felt tugging on the back of my skirt. "half your ass is out" he said still trying to pull it down. 

it didnt go down, ever. the way it rested on my waist never allowed it to go down more. "fuck it, be safe i love you" sebastian spoke "love you to" i repeated only to have a small grab on my ass. "hey, PDA" i said only getting a smile. 

abigail walked in and saw everyone dressed up in little outfits, some skimpy, some modest. mine and iggys were pretty skimp, but i think hailey took the cake from all of us. she was wearing a bathing suit top and a flowy midway skirt with a giant slit on the side calling herself a hippie. 

once everyone was ready we went, all got in the cars and left. "heres the rules ladies, some of you this is your first party, some of you this is your first party in the city. rule one, never drink the punch you dont know whats in there, rule 2, dont follow strangers, rule 3, watch your drink at all times. rule 4, if you leave your drink get a new one. rule 5 if you think your drink has been messed with DO NOT drink it" marianne spoke looking at everyone. 

they all nodded and sat there waiting to get there, and when we did it was like party town. it was new for a lot of them. me and jude went directly to the shots and started shooting them back. iggy joined in and so did hailey. 

after a few shots we sat back and watched everyone. hailey drug iggy to the floor to dance, i started drinking a loco with jude. he decided he was at his stopping point and i kept going. time was flying by rather quickly. or it felt like it. 

i was dancing with maru, since i was with her brother she wanted to hang out more with me all the time. but she and i ended up splitting. i found iggy in a puff puff pass circle and sat next to her. before i knew it i had hit the blunt a couple of times before getting bored and getting up. 

a few more drinks another rotation, and dancing before the call was made. mayor lewis said we had to be back by 12 at the latest. so we all got in the car, and from there i didnt feel good. i dont remember drinking that much, and i sure as hell wasnt drugged. "hey y/n your looking a little pale are you okay?" maru asked just looking at me. 

"im fine, just sobering up" i answered. it wasnt a lie, i was pretty sober. alcohol never stays in my system long. we all got back and there were parents and the mayor waiting. even harvey incase someone needed it. so while everyone was getting yelled at for going to a party i looked at marianne. 

"hey, i really dont feel good, im just gonna head to bed" i said only to wipe my nose and see blood. now im hiding my nose, "jude come here" she called him over and removed my hand. "what the hell did you do?" he asked. "she said she didnt feel good and now this is happening" marianne spoke. 

next thing i knew harvey was over here, and jude was shining a light into my eyes. "fucking shit y/n i leave you for 10 fucking minutes" jude spoke trying to find the keys to the car. "whats the matter?" marianne asked. "were going to the fucking hospital" jude answered. 

and now harvey and marianne are looking at us. "spit" jude said holding out his hand, and i did. just straight fucking blood and saliva. "gross" he said flicking it to the floor. "why dont we take her into the med center" harvey asked. 

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