num 9: turn of events

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its been a month and like 2 weeks since sebastian and i started dating. and its been great, like actually probably one of the best relationships ive been in so far. the only thing annoying the both of us is the fact everyone keeps asking if we are together. we keep saying no, but they still keep asking. a lot of sam, abigail and robin. 

but either way i have 1 month left of summer, before i go back and mrs,morris has requested that we come to physical class for this entire week, and bring the person who we are making sing. she flipped a couple of things around and stuff and now i have to try and break the news to sebastian. 

my car is almost done theres only a few more things left anyway, and sam is now dating penny while abigail is dating alex. sam keeps telling sebastian he should try and go after haley, but abigail is telling him to go towards emily. the problem is its always in front of me. 

"hey, you know we have to get up right?" sebastians voice brought me back to the present time. we were both laying in his bed and his arms were around me. "no we dont" i answered back. "but we do" he said just resting his head on top of mine. it wasnt the first time ive spent the night, more like the 5th. and hes slept at my house about 5 times. we just stay out to late. 

"hey, the professor for the music class said we have in person class this week" i said looking up at him which made him look at me. "okay" he said trying to put his head back on me. "wait, you have to come with, since your the one doing the song" i gave him a weak smile and he groaned. 

and now he was up and walking to his computer. "sorry" i said which only made him look at me. "dont be, i just have to write it so i dont get anything to work on those days" he spoke only to look back at me. "monday, wednesday, friday, and tuesday for practices" i said watching him type and click. "there im free now" he said leaning back in the chair. 

i watched him spin it around and open his arms toward me. i walked over there only to get pulled into his lap. "now you get to sit here while i do work" he said typing and looking at a bunch of shit i didnt understand. i read a book, he did his programming stuff. 

it usually always happened, i was quiet enough for him to focus. if i was a distraction, i would leave which he usually didnt like but eh not my fault. it all came to a halt when we heard someone walking down the stairs which prompted for him to push me off and i run to the bed. 

"hey what are you guys doing in here?" it was robin. "doing work" sebastian answered first. "reading my book" i answered next. "i didnt see you walk through the door y/n. when did you come in?" she asked looking at me. "earlier this morning. sebastian unlocked the door for me. i think you were still sleeping" im a really good liar. 

"what time sebastian?" she asked looking at him. "somewhere around like 8:08" he answered "i was sleeping then" she said only to think about it. "well, im making lunch since its 11:30. come get some when its ready" she said only get nods from me and sebastian. 

we listened for the footsteps to disappear and then he looked at me. "well? come back over here" he said only earning me to take my happy ass back and sit in his lap once more. i read the book and he was working. 

i had to move and sit facing him so i could rest my arms on the back of the chair and my chin on his shoulder. he gave me a kiss on the cheek and got back to what he was doing. every now and then he would move his hand to my back only to move it to type again. 

i got lost in the book he got lost in his work. and it always happened that way, and we didnt mind it either. he gave me a kiss on my cheek only to keep kissing my cheek. "hey lunch is" and then he stopped his lips still on my cheek. "you are both fucking liars" robin spoke only to walk over to stand near us. 

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