num 12: forsight.

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it was the recording studio and dance day for sam and marianne. and since iggy was not available. it was up to my dysfunctional car to get us there. "shes gonna sound a bit rough until i get the 5000 it takes to replace the motor" i said only getting a concerned look from sam. 

what scared him more was the loud as music to mute out all the sounds it made. the fact that the car is only falling apart a little. i did have to take sebastians cigs and hand him the e-cig. but i also had to pick up iggy which meant sebastian was booted out the front seat. 

she was smoking a blunt and i was just looking at her as she was hanging half way out the window. "just a little" i asked and reached my hand out only for it to get slapped. "your a whole walking medical case, wait a fucking minute" i watched her throw the roach out the window. 

"where are your glass?" she asked looking around the car. "in my eyes?" i answered. "im sorry what the fuck do you mean glasses?" sam asked. "i mean shes a blind bitch who can barely read and she needs glasses, but last i heard she ran out of contacts" and now im being stared. "i can see just fine" i said.

she handed sam a sign and made him stand outside with it. "the fuck does that say?" she asked i did a little squint and then widened my eyes only to squint them again. "is it a triangle?" i asked and now she has the keys. "its a fucking T" i looked at her. "i knew that" i spoke getting an eye roll. 

"ill drive" sebastian said getting the keys and kicking iggy out the front seat and me out the driver seat. he knew how to drive a bike, he knew how to drive his mothers car. he did not know how to drive mine. to the point iggy was wishing i just kept driving. 

but we did get there and meanwhile i did get glasses because jude brought my spare i always left with him. sam took a total of 2 hours to get everything right. and marianne only took 30 minutes. so then it was to the dance studio, so they could get down the moves. 

marianne and jude didnt have to do anything, sam had to learn a whole routine, and sebastian just had to learn how to couple dance with a little roughness. 2 hours for me and sebastian and sam was still working on his. me and jude did our usual little goof. 

sebastian wasnt as comfortable with marianne as he was with jude so when she tried to talk he sort of just shut down. and ill be damned jude put on the most dirtiest  song he knew and start trying to throw ass. which made everyone laugh, except sam who wasn't having fun. iggy put on a song about cheating, which there was a dance for so me and her did the dance which also had throwing ass. 

jude put on a song where the dance is just shaking your hips and basically being sexy. and then it was just straight weird ass music. and then marianne brought the fact of sam taking a break andus work on our own music and stuff. 

but once we actually started it i got tired. "SNEAK ATTACK" jude yelled out which earned me to cover my nose with my shirt and run in the opposite direction as iggy. and marianne was also trying to run away. i grabbed sebastian who grabbed sam, and we were trying to run around the studio. 

"DID YOU SHIT YOUR FUCKING PANTS, JUDE IT FUCKING REEKS" marianne yelled trying not to throw up. iggy started the laugh then it went to me, then the boys. when we all finally stopped laughing we did what we had to. even talked about how to make it better. and then it was back to sam. 

he was hating everything, and sebastian pushed me over there to help and he stayed there talking to jude. so i did, i gave a little walk through. multiple times at difference paces. and after a single hour he pretty much had it down. we could all just leave and go home. 

"filming starts tomorrow" jude spoke up and looked at everyone. "we can drive iggy home from here" marianne said grabbing her wrist and dragging her to the car. we got in and i started it up. "i hate this" sam spoke up from the back seat. "what do you hate about it?" i asked. "iggy, like shes funny, but shes tough. you and jude are so easy going" sam was being honest and i respect it. "you know, you could have asked iggy if you could have me to right?" i asked and now hes looking at me. "you mean, i could have had a nicer coach?" he asked and i nodded. 

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