num 8: freelancing

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i sat in Sebastian's room while he did his little program thing for money. it didnt take long for sam to come in. "what the fuck happened to your lip? why are you here?" sam said looking at both of us. "better wifi" i answered. "i felt like it, i think it looks good" sebastian answered and then sam saw the black nails. "dont tell me your going full" sam said looking at him getting a shrug from sebastian. i had music in my ear playing so when sam would talk to me it was like talking in a loud ass car with the music full blast. 

"y/n? are you hearing me correctly?" sam said waving his hand in front of me. "sam, im trying to edit this please" i said looking at him. "pool later at the saloon, you better be there" he said taking his leave. "good excuse on the wifi" sebastian said looking at me. "good excuse on the piercings" i added back looking at him. "are they supposed to i dont know, hurt this much" he asked. 

"are you cleaning them?" i asked "no?" he spoke only getting a sigh and going upstairs. "sorry to bother you robin, but do you have rubbing alcohol and water?" i asked and she gave me a bottle of water, and the rubbing alcohol. i ended up grabbing a cup without her knowing and pouring salt in it. i brought it back to his room. "heres the drill" i said grabbing q-tips from his bedside and dipping them in the alcohol. "rub this on the front" i said and when he did, he didnt like the way it hurt so i had to. "and now your going to rinse with the salt water. heres an empty water bottle to spit it into. he did do that one. "try to push it towards the piercings" i said 

once he was done i gave him a pain med to try and help with it. sooner then later it was time to meet abigail and sam at the saloon. but what neither of us expected was for penny to be there. elliot was halfway across the bar and alex was sitting next to abigail. "is this just like bring your fuck buddy or something?" i whispered to sebastian who gave me a shrug. 

"what the hell did you do? you got your lips pierced?" abigail spoke looking at sebastian, which only resulted in her grabbing his face and taking a closer look. did i hate it? very much so, but im not saying anything. "you know i have my ears pierced right?" he asked abigail pretty much pushing her away. "yeah, but youve had your ears since you were like 10. its different now" she said still in awe. 

no wonder he fucking asked, he was a fucking child. and now they are looking at me. "did you talk him into get it? i see all of yours" abigail spoke looking at me. "nah, that was his own choice" i answered. i only had 10 minutes here before jude picked me up to fix my car, or at least get it out of his brothers driveway. sebastian was going to come for the joy ride since i told him about it, but sam and abigail wouldnt let him even if he tried. 

robin said she would makeshift a driveway for the car since its low to the ground. so shes been working on it all day today pretty much. after i asked for the stuff she was on break and then left after. so when i got the text message i left without a trace. 

the helmet was put on me and me and jude were off. it took a second to jump the car and once we did, she was rough. i guess months of sitting, maybe even a year makes all the problems happen. i was only able to go 30. its an auto for now until i can turn it into a stick. a 240sx isnt supposed to be slow. and my poor little heart back lights are suffering. and its like an 40 drive going 30. 

when we finally got back to the house was a new challenge. getting the car there and with the help of robin and ashley it was a little easier, but jude had to give a push for it to go. "if we can push it here, i will start on the concrete and it should be easier" robin spoke and so we did. we pushed it into the grass. 

jude helped but a knew battery in, and the sparkplugs and coils, clean up the brake lights. and right as i went under the car for the oil it splashed on me. like everywhere. all over my shirt, and arms. "EW" i yelled out only getting jude laughing at me from outside the car. "what the fuck?" and judging by the shoes theres sam, abigail, penny, and sebastian. when i finally resurfaced i was covered. 

the only thing that escaped was a audible gag. which sent jude spiraling in a laughing fit just as much as the group. "ive never felt so dirty in my life" i said slow walking into the house. "you have to finish the oil" jude said only causing me to turn around. "i will shove all 4 quarts of oil up your ass" i said only causing him to throw a quart at me. 

"pass it, i got it" sebastian spoke earning me to throw it back, i took a shower to wash off all the dirt and oil and grease. when i came back out it was done. they were closing the hood. jude looked at me and then looked at the car. "you need a new fuel injector and fuel pump, your ac fixed, your wires on the radio need to be replaced, and you need new brake fluid and brakes." jude spoke looking at me. 

"oh and that wrap, ill pick it up for you" jude said only to get on the bike and drive off like a maniac. "and thats what you used to ride on?" sebastian asked. "yeah" i answered. "and i was scary?" he mumbled "a little yeah" i mumbled back. "i figured we could all play a little board game together" sam brought the idea. 

"pass" i was the first to say no. i still had a lot to do here. i mean like, do farm stuff. "pass" sebastian was next to call the first pass. "yeah, pass. i made plans already" abigail spoke next. "i will" penny agreed so her and sam were the ones to leave. then abigail who was going to alex. sebastian stayed behind and helped with my load of the farm work. "so thats the car in question" he said looking at it. 

"told you it was a project, but yeah thats her" i spoke only getting him to look at me. "her?" he asked. "yeah, thats my baby girl" i answered. "never took you to be a car girl" he said going back to the farm work he was doing. which was basically carrying hay to the barn and coop. "never really thought i was, i just like to look stylish while i drive" i added with a laugh. 

once it got really dark sebastian went home and i went inside. robin was coming back tomorrow for the finishing of the driveway. and i needed my beauty sleep. 

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