first date part 3

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Annie's POV:
As soon as I close the door of the ladies room I run into one of the cabins and bend over the toilet. I feel so sick. I ate soo much.
I throw up till my stomach finally feels empty again.

I walk out of the cabin and check my appearance in the mirror. Luckily I used waterproof makeup so it all is still in place.
I brush my hair, rinse my mouth, grab a peppermint chewing gum from my bag and reapply some lipgloss when I suddenly hear the  door to the ladies room open.

„Oh hey Annie, here you are. I saw Ty paying at your table and already wondered we're you are. How is your date going so far?"
„Hey Lily, the date is really good so far. What are you doing here?"
„I was just about to pick up some coffee for my mom and me and needed to use the restroom.
I wanted to tell you tomorrow after church but now that we're already talking I wanted to invite you and Ty to my birthday party next Friday."
„Sure I defently  gonna be there. And I tell Ty to write to you whether he can or not." I smile at her.
„I would never miss my best friends 16th birthday." She smiles back.
„Oh I forgot to tell you it's a costume party.
But now go back to Ty.I'm sure he's already waiting for you."
„Yeah probably." I smile again.
„Ok. See you tomorrow!"
I turn around and open the door.
„Bye and call me when you get home I wanna know the details."
I walk through the door and make my way back to our table.

„Hey, sorry that it took me so long, ready to go?"
„Sure, let's go."
Ty grabs my hand,we walk out of Whartons and make our way to the park.

„So I met Lily in the ladies room and she asked if we want to come to her birthday party next Friday. I already told her I'll come and she asked me to ask you."
„Oh yeah sure. Sounds fun. Wanna go together?"
Does he mean as an official couple?! Oh my gosh? Should I ask him? No I'm to afraid he'll say no...
He looks at me questioningly.
Shit I drowned in my thoughts.
„Yeah I would love to." I answer quickly and he smiles in response.
„Oh and I forgot to tell you it a costume party."
„Oh okay. Do you have any ideas yet?"
„No not really. I really need to go shopping."
„Yeah me too. I think the last time I wore a costume was the last time we went trick or treating together."
We both laugh at that memory.
„Oh yeah I remember you wore that pirate costume you thought was super cool and ate way too much sweets so you ended up throwing up."
„Oh yeah I remember that. But I also remember that cute princess costume you wore. I think my mom still has photos. I really need to ask her tomorrow. And if you want we can go shopping together on Monday after school.
„Yeah that sounds fun."
„Perfect. Oh by the way I think it would be better if we go to one of our places because it gets a little late, it's already dark and I begins to get kind of cold."
„Yeah I didn't really wanna say anything but I'm freezing a little bit."
„Oh sorry I should have noticed earlier." He gives me his jeans jacket and I put it on.
It's a little too big for me but not as much as it normally should be. I love it though.It smells like him and I have finally something that covers my stomach.
„Thanks!" I say and give him a quick peck on his lips.

Ty's POV
Annie really looks cute in my jacket. It's about 2 sizes to big for her. But I also can't help but notice how skinny she is. I don't know if she's too skinny I mean she was always more on the skinnier side. But she also kind of acts strange towards food lately. But maybe it's just a phase.
I heard her and Lilly talk the other day about a diet that is supposed to be good for the skin or something. Maybe it's just that.
But I think I should watch that.

„What's wrong?"
Shit I think I drowned in my thoughts. But when I look at her now I remember something.
„Deja vu."
She smiles. I smile back and we fall in a comfortable silence.

After a while we both seem to recognize that we automatically began to walk the way my house.
„Is it okay if we go to your place? Because if not we could go to mine. I mean my parents are home but we could just go to my room."
„No. No it's fine. I think my mom and Cal are still on their date and Kyle and Katie should be home. So maybe we can ask Kyle if he already has any ideas."
„Yeah sure let's go then."
We continue walking to my house.

As soon as we arrive I ring the doorbell and a few moments later Kyle opens the »
„Hey, I didn't know you guys were coming here."
„Hey, yeah it got kind of cold so we decided to come over." I say while pulling of my shoes and offering Annie to hang up my jacket.
„Hey Kyle." She says and hugs him.
She also pulls of her shoes and when she realizes that I hold out my hand for her to give me my jacket she asks: „ Is it okay if I keep it on for a little while longer, I'm still kind of cold."
„Yeah sure. But I also can give you one of my hoodies if you want to get more comfortable."
„Even better." She smiles, hand me the jacket, I hang it up, grab her hand and pull her up to mg room to choose a hoodie.

I open closet and show her where the hoodies are. She looks through them and pulls out a oversized navy blue one. One of my favorites.
She puts it on.
„Wow I didn't think  I could like that hoodie even more. But now.. It looks really good on you." She blushes.
„Thanks" She kisses me gently. I think it was at first meant to be a quick peck because that got kind of already a habit since our first (sober) kiss. But I pull he closer and deepen the kiss. We move in sync and I glide my way tongue in her mouth.
After a while we have to pull apart because we both need to catch our breath. So we just look at each other smiling no need to say anything. I pull her into a hug.
„I really enjoyed this date so far." She says while hugging me back.
Again I notice how skinny she is but I ignore it not wanting to ruin the moment.
„Yeah me too." I even think it's the best first date I've ever been on but I neither want to be to cheesy or freak her out so I keep that for later.
We stay like this for a while but after I think about 5 minutes she breaks the silence and says: „Come on, let's go and if your brother has any costume ideas."

A/N: Hey I'm really sorry it took me soo long.
A had a really stressful school week and injured my hand. I promise I'll try to update more regularly.

As always please vote and let me know in the comments what you think.

Thanks x

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