Lily's birthday party part 3

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Annie's POV:
The evening goes on and the next time I check the time it's already 11:50 pm .
We already have Lily her cake and sung for her and she loved it. And until now I mad it without having to eat a piece.
Right now I just stand in the corner watching the others and taking pictures. Lily and Kyle, Cece and Jace and a few other couples are dancing. Gabe and Ty are chatting so do others.

I walk over to the buffet and grab a glass and some Coke zero when suddenly someone hugs me from behind. I scream a little and stiffen myself but the I recognize the scent. Ty. I start to smile. I feel butterflies in my stomach.
„Shit Ty you scared me to death."
He still doesn't let go.
„Sorry. I didn't mean to."
„It's fine but I'd like to drink my coke now so would you please let go." I say still smiling.
„Of course." He chuckles a little.
I finish my coke and put the cup on the table.

„Where's Gabe?"
He chuckles again.
„Cassie wanted to talk to him. Also I wanted to get you away from your camera and have som fun." He smiles at me lovingly and I smile back.
He seems so careless and happy right now. I love that. But he's definitely a little drunk right now. Just like almost everybody else here. And I would probably be to if I didn't offer to be the sober driver and the alcohol hadn't that much calories. I mean it's not like we're doing this all the time. And when my dad tells me about their teenage years they were always way worse.

„Also my costume doesn't makes a lot sense without you." He interrupts my thoughts kind of teasingly. Now I'm the one who chuckles. He isn't wrong though.
„Okay, how drunk are you?"
„Just a little. I'm fine. Don't worry. Also I won't drink alcohol today anymore because I wanna be sober when we get home."
„What about eating something. I'm starving and it will absorb the alcohol."
„I'm not hungry but I'm pretty sure there's some of the cake left."
„Okay what about I'll get a slice and you go and put your camera in your bag. And after that meet back up here and maybe dance with me?"
„Sure I would love that." We smile at each other, he quickly pecks me on the lips, makes his way to the cake and I make mine to Lily's room to put my camera in my bag.

I walk back to the buffet. Ty sits on a chair by a table near. I walk over to him and sit down in a chair opposite him. I gasp he's already almost done with the slice. I chuckle.
„ I 'll never get how you can eat that much in such a short time." And still look that good and not gain weight. I wish I had his metabolism. I just looked at that cake and already feel 5 kilos heavier. He finishes it.
„I don't know. But it was really the delicious. Wanna dance know?" He smiles, stands up and holds out his hand.
I just smile and grab his hand in response.

He pulls me on the dance floor, I put my arms around his neck, he put his on my hips and we start to dance.
„Did I already tell you how amazing you look?"
I blush and smile at him.
„Yeah about 5 times but thank you. You look really good too." We both smile, he strokes a strand of hair that must have detached from my bun behind my ear, I take it as my sign and close the distance between us with kissing him passionately. And suddenly there's just us in the room and I can feel thousands of butterflies in my stomach. We deepen the kiss, he lets his tongue glide into my mouth and our lips move in sync. He pulls me closer and we keep kissing till we need to pull apart because we both gasp after air. After that we just hug both still out of breath and keep on dancing.

We keep dancing for a while and after that join the others who're sitting at a table and talking. We have a lot of fun. Sometimes I feel a little dizzy  while dancing and standing but I just but I just hold on to Ty, which is not more conspicuous because we hold hands almost all the time or dance with each other anyway and when I'm with Cece and Lily I just hold on to one of them but the luckily don't notice because their too drunk. No was wasted but almost everybody was more or less drunk. Except me and a few others. But Ty kept his words and didn't drink any more alcohol.

The time flew really fast and suddenly the first guests were leaving. And about 20 minutes later only Cece who is sleeping over, Kyle, Ty ,me and of course Lily were left. We sit on the couch in the launch.
I lean my head on Ty's shoulder, he puts how arm around me and pulls me closer and I feel my eyelids get heavy. I'm about to fall asleep when Ty suddenly jumps up.
„Shit it's already 1:10 pm." My eyes widen in shock Maddie didn't gave us a curfew but that is really late.
„We really should get going." He holds out his hand and pulls me up. Too fast. Shit. Everything gets dizzy and I lose my balance.
„Shit sorry." He says while he catches me from falling and pulls me into his arms. I close my eyes in the hope it'll stop faster.
„Is she okay?" Lily asks from the couch behind me. „Yeah she just has really heavy circulatory problems." Ty answers and I smile into his shoulder thankful not to have to explain it myself.

„Can we help you with anything before we leave?" Kyle asks his girlfriend.
„You could help me put the bottles back into their boxes and put them into the garage but that's all it's really late. We can do the rest tomorrow. My parents return on Sunday so we have the whole day tomorrow to get everything cleaned up. But I only need two people for the drinks and boxes. Cece,Kyle?" She asks.
„Of course." They both say and the three of them leave the room.

After a few minutes Ty carefully let's go a little so we're able to look into each other's eyes.
„Is it better know?" He looks at me worriedly.
The dizziness held on longer than ever before. Shit. I hope he didn't notice.
„Yeah it's fine.Thank you for catching me."
„No problem. But are sure you're okay? It took longer than before. That's not normal Annie not even if your circulation problems are heavy. And I know now is not the right time but we really need to talk about that some time."
Shit, shit, shit. I try to distract him.
„Let's look for the others." I say get out of his arms and walk out of the room with him following me.

Ty's POV:
We can't find the other's by the buffet neither in the rest of the house. I text Kyle.

Ty: Hey, where are you guys? Can we still help you with something?
He answers almost immediately.
Kyle: No we're almost done. You guys can go to your car already. I'll be there as soon as possible and I'll bring them with me to say goodbye.
Ty: Ok.

I put my phone into my back pocket.
„He said we should already go to the car. And they'll be there as soon as they're ready to say goodbye."
„Okay." She smiles and holds out her hand.
I take it and pull her out of the house.
„I actually meant for you to hand me the keys but it's fine this way too."
We stand in front of my car.
„Oh shit, I forgot that you're gonna drive sorry." I laugh a little in the embarrassment and give her the keys.
„It's fine." She chuckles a little.
We both get in the car. Now we just have to wait for Kyle. And fall into a comfortable silence.

But I break the silence after a while because I've been thinking about this since our first date if not even before. I have to ask her now.
„Annie I need to ask you something."
Her had snaps up and her gaze lands from the window on me. But when I look in her face she looks almost anxious. Why would she be anxious?
I just take her hand to calm her us both down.
„Look I've been thinking about this for a while now and I never dared to ask you but I need to so I'm gonna do it now." I say nervously. I'm just gonna do it now.
„I know we have been only on a few dates and you would be invited anyway because you're basically family and one of my moms bridesmaids but I wanted to make it official. So Annie Sullivan will you be my girlfriend and my date to my moms wedding?" She smiles at me wildly.
„Yes Tyler Townsend I will be you're girlfriend and date to your mom's wedding." She says happily but also kind of teasingly by coping my exact words because we usually never call us by our full names. Now I smile too,pull her closer and kiss her passionately.

We're about to deepen the kiss and I'm about to let my tongue slide into her mouth but suddenly someone knocks on the window of the passenger side. Kyle.
I open the door Kyle grins at us, I say goodbye to Lily and Cece while Kyle gets into the backseat. They walk around the car, hug Annie goodbye and she drives towards our house.

A/N: Thanks for reading. And sorry for the kind of wired ending. This chapter was kind of cheesy. Also I'm not sure if all my references from Ty's to Annie's POV were understandable.
Please especially for this chapter let me know what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote.
Thanks! X

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