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Annie's POV:
We're in the middle of our fourth round of Twister and my arms and legs slowly begin too hurt because I twist them so much. I will not make it much longer.
But then suddenly Maddie walks into the living room, Katie jumps up to greet and hug her so the round is over. I finally get out of this uncomfortable position and sit down next to Ty.

„Hey  kids how's your morning been going?" She asks while hugging Katie back.
„Hey mom." „Hey Maddie..." I'm about to say more but Katie interrupts me now standing beside her mother and looking at her.

„Awesome! Annie made me chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast! We played UNO , I won almost every time and now we're playing Twister. Oh and the best Annie is even closer to be my sister now because she's Ty's girlfriend."
She smiles at her mom.

I realize what she just said, my eyes widen in shock and blush crepes on my cheeks. I look at Ty , he looks just as shocked as I am. That's definitely not the way we wanted to tell her.
But then Ty shakes his head a little as to get rid of the shock. It seems to work. He just smiles, takes my hand in his, stands slowly up and pulls me up with him. As we stand he lays his arm around me to steady me and looks up at his mom and sister.

„Wait what did you just say, Katie? Is she telling the truth?" Maddie asks breaking the silence before one of  us could have said something. But then she sees the smile on Ty's face, my blushed cheeks and his arm laying around me.
„No way! I'm so happy for you two! That was about time!" Now I smile too and when I look up at Maddie I see her smiling too.
She makes her way over to us and hugs both of us.

„Hey, don't forget me!" Katie exclaims coming over to us. The three of us chuckle a little and include Katie in our hug.
„Okay mom I think it's enough. We're not even 24 hours together. We're not engaged." He teases and we break apart.
I sigh even though Maddie really reacted great I still need to explain.
„Maddie, I'm sorry. This is definitely not the way we wanted you to find out..."
„No. No sweetie, everything is fine. I'm really happy for you two. But make sure to tell it your mom as soon as possible. I can't hold that to myself for long.  Oh and Helen if you want to tell her yourself.  The three of us alway knew that you two would end up together." She smiles widely at us. Ty takes my hand in his again and I begin to relax.

„By the way mom what are you doing here already. Is it already this late?"
„No it was 12:00 pm when I left work. I just took my lunch break early today. The spa wasn't that crowded and this way Cal didn't need to come over to take Katie to her friend Sarah. And I wanted to tell you that we are having dinner tonight with Helen, Eric,Dana Sue,Ronnie and you,Annie obviously. We just wanted to plan some things for the wedding. But know we even have something to celebrate!"

Suddenly Kyle runs downstairs.
„Oh hey mom. What time is it?" She takes a look at her phone.
„12:10 pm why?"
„Shit! I overslept. I'm gonna head upstairs to the bathroom and in about 5 minutes it should be free." He runs back upstairs.
„Why is he in such a hurry?"
„Because we're meeting the others at Lily's at 12:30 pm to clean everything up and go to the cinema afterwards. Now that we're talking about it com on Annie we need to get changed. Bye mom, see you at dinner." He pulls me upstairs with him.
„Bye Maddie."
„Bye kids have fun!"

About 20 Minutes later we're ready to go. Ty lend me some of his clothes again. The navy blue hoddie I wore when I stayed her on the night of our first date and joggers. And we drive over to Lily's.

We arrive, ring the doorbell and Lily opens the door.
„Hey,there you are.Come in."
„Hey sorry babe I overslept." Kyle pecks Lily quickly on her lips and enters the house.
Ty and I follow him. „Hey." „Hey Lily, could I maybe change first before we start to clean up? We left our bags here yesterday and in mine are the only clothes I brought for change."
„Sure. You can ether change in my room or the bathroom."
„Ok thank you." They walk into the living room and I make my way upstairs to Lily's room to find my bag.

I find my bag in Lily's room, go to the bathroom and lock the door . I get out of  Ty's hoodie and joggers make the mistake to look in the mirror and feel like I'm about to cry. I still look so fat. I don't know how Cece and Lily manage to eat and stay that skinny. I wish I would be like that too. But no, my stomach isn't flat enough, I have face fat and my arms and legs are way too thick. I already fear having to eat something at the cinema so no one will get suspicious. I really hope I won't though.

Then suddenly I see the scale. I haven't weighed myself since forever. I usually weigh myself a few times a day but I can't do that at the Townsends house. I already feel like he knows something. I mean not that there's much to know. I just want to loose weight to feel as pretty and be as skinny as all the other girls. I mean it already kind of seemed to work. Ty and I are together and I won't risk that by stopping or even gaining weight. I won't loose another boy just because of my weight. I mean Jackson wasn't far as important as Ty is but I liked him. And he never said it but I feel like I was skinnier in the beginning of our relationship and then he made me feel a little more comfortable in my body because he seemed to like me for me. And I think I gained a little weight I think and his attitude change. It's not like I wasn't his secret from the beginning but it got worse.

I step on the scale. 52 kilograms. My eyes widen in shock. I don't know what I expected but that's disappointing. I feel tears well up in my eyes. But no I can't cry now. Not here. So I just dry the single tear that escaped and grab my bag.

I put on a basic grey top and my new baby blue baggy jeans. They hide my legs perfectly.
I look for a jacket but I didn't bring on so I just put Ty's hoodie back on top.
I check my appearance in the mirror, brush my hair and check my make up. Luckily I always wear waterproof mascara.

I grab mine and Ty's bag and make my way downstairs, put the bags the hallway and go into the living room. There are only Cece and Lily putting the decoration into a big box and throwing away the trash. I walk over to them and start to help them.
„Hey Annie. I already asked Lily but I wanted to ask you too. Would it be ok if Jace join you at the cinema later? I actually thought my parents would visit today and didn't plan on staying here for so long just helping you here quickly but they ditched me so.." She looks a little upset.
„Sure that would be fun. And I wanted to talk to you two anyway. I have to tell you something. By the way where are the boys?"
„They're outside putting the tables and chairs back into the house in the garden which we use as stock room. What do you want to talk about?" Now both of their eyes are on me.
„Let's just finish this and then I'm gonna tell you."

About 10 minutes later we're done and sit down at the table. Both of them look at me excited and worried at the same time.
„Come on Annie, tell us!" Lily exclaims.
„Ok." I can't help but smile. „So yesterday when Ty and I were waiting for Kyle in his car he asked me to be his girlfriend. And I said yes. I'm really happy about it! But I'm sorry if that's wired for you Cece. If that's so tell me if I can do anything about it."
Now both of them smile too.
„No. Annie. Are you kidding me that's great! Sure Ty and I used to date, but we're friends now and everything is fine. I knew you would end up together! I'm really happy for you too!"
„Yeah me too! Congratulations! Also I don't want to ruin the moment but could you maybe show us the pictures you took yesterday? I really wanna see them."
„Sure." I slowly stand up to keep the dizziness under control, walk into the hallway, take my camera and the adapter to transfer the pictures to my phone, walk back into the living room and sit back down.

We we're almost through all pictures when the boys come in. Of course we had to look at them together from the beginning. Most of them are pictures from random moments most of them including Lily. But there're also a few pictures from the beginning our group costume and even on with just me and Ty on it his arm around my shoulder, we're talking and both smile. I send them in the group we originally made for planning the party and we get ready to go to the cinema.

A/N:Well that's a long one. Thanks for reading and sorry for not updating! Hope you enjoyed!
And please tell me what you think in the comments and vote.
Thanks! X

In this together  (Annie and Ty  sweet magnolias fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now