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Annie's POV:
The fifth episode ends I take a glance at the alarm clock on the bedside table.
2:30 am
I should have gone to the guest room in my bed by now but Ty hugs me from behind while he sleeps and I don't want to wake him up. It was difficult enough to pull the blanket over us without waking him. Also I like the way the hug feels and it keeps me warm. And my insomnia wouldn't let me sleep anyway even though I'm so tired because I haven't slept very much all week .
And it's not like we did anything except a few kisses and cuddling.
But the tv doesn't help either so I decide to turn it of.

I slowly start to move,grab the remote from the bedside table,turn it off and lay it back but it falls down and bangs. Shit hopefully I didn't wake anyone up.But of course I did.

Ty moans quietly, I turn around to look at him and he opens his eyes.
„Shit. Hey sorry I didn't wanted to wake you up! The remote just slipped out of my hand."
I whisper while looking at him.
„It's okay. Why are you up anyway?" He asks in a raspy voice while putting a hair strain behind my ear.

„I just can't sleep. I really didn't wanted to talk about this on  the day of our first date but I have insomnia." That's so embarrassing.
„Well it's past 12:00 am so it's the night after our first date." he teases.
„But seriously Annie you don't have to be ashamed of things like that. You can always talk too me about everything. I mean we have been best friends forever and had except these last issues never a problem with talking to each other. Why should that change just because we're something more?" Something more? What does he mean ? Can he just define it? Are we dating? Should I ask him? Would that be too early? Probably. No I'm too scared. He likes me. How ever that's possible. To know that has to be enough for now. So I just answer him truthfully.
„I don't know I was just scared I guess."
„Annie I like you and there's nothing to change that. If you don't believe me I'll have to show you ." He says while smiling.

A second later his lips are on mine. At first it's just a soft kiss on my lips but after a while he showers my face with kisses, I begin to giggle and I can't him smiling from the corner of my eye.

After he kissed my whole face he comes back to my lips, while cupping my cheek with one hand and pulling me closer by my hips with his other. The kiss gets pretty intense. But it dosen't bother me. It gives me butterflies. It's always like that when we kiss. It just makes me feel like I would drive in a really high roller coaster with loops. But in a good way.
And even though the kiss got passionate Ty like the gentleman he is doesn't try anything  and I'm really glad about.
We keep kissing until we needed to pull away in order to breath.
He puts his arms around me, pulle me closer, I lay my head on his chest and we fall into a comfortable silence both just catching our breaths.

After a while he breaks it.
„Wait, didn't you have insomnia when we were younger too?"
„Yeah,but it stopped when I was ten or something. But recently it returned. I already talked with my mom about it and she thinks it's probably caused by stress because of school."
„Is there anything I can do? I remember when  we were younger and we had a sleep over I would always stay awake with you and my mom would always make us tea and tell us stories till we slept in." We both smile at that memory.
„Yeah but I already tried tea and an audio book nothing really works."

„Hmm. Wait I've got an idea. Did you ever try melatonin spray? I used to use it the night before my big baseball games because I was too nervous too sleep. And now I sometimes the night before tests. It always works really good for me. I'm pretty sure I still have some bottles I can give you one and you can try if you want.
You can even keep it. And if it works for you, you can just buy it at the drugstore."
„Sure I would try anything to be able sleep."

In this together  (Annie and Ty  sweet magnolias fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now