first date part 2

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Annie's POV:
As the movie is finished Ty takes a glance at his phone to check the time.
5:30 pm -still 30 minutes until Whartons even opens its kitchen for dinner.
And I sure we won't go there right at 6:00 pm.

„So what do you wanna do now?" he interrupts my thoughts.
„Maybe we could go for a walk." I suggest.- I haven't walked my 10 thousand steps yet. And I really need to if I want to eat anything later. So Ty won't notice anything.
„Sounds good. Let me just grab my laptop and the blanket real quick."

We talk a lot and hold hands while we walk and time flew by. The next time I take a quick glance at my watch we already made it to 15.000 steps. Ty looks at me. Shit did he notice that I tracked my steps and checked them? But then he asks
„What time is it?" „Oh eh it's 7:00 pm" I answer relieved.
He smiles. „ I think it's time to go back to Whartons." „Yeah sure." I smile back.

We make our way back to Whartons when I suddenly feel a little dizzy. Shit. This can't happen. Not now. I try to concentrate on keeping my balance. And not to lay to much on Ty. But while I'm doing that I don't concentrate on the path. And suddenly a fall over a rock. Usually I would have been able to get my balance back and keep myself from falling but with the dizziness that wasn't possible.
So I fall. But one second later I can feel Ty's arms around me.
„Hey are you okay?" He looks concerned.
„yeah I just fell over a rock." I blush lightly out of embarrassment. „Thanks for catching me."
„I will always catch you." He smiles at me and looks deep in my eyes. That's the moment when I notice how close our faces are. I already want to back of not wanting to make it even more awkward. But Ty closes the distance between us and kisses me softly. I kiss him back. And the in the beginning soft kiss begins to get more passionate. Ty cups my cheek with one hand and uses his other to pull me closer to him. I crosse my arms behind his neck. And we move in sync. It was perfect.

But after a while we need to pull apart because we're both out of breath. „Wow." Ty says smiling at me and making me blush again. „Wow yourself." I say and smile back at him.
His smile grows even bigger , he takes my hand in his and we start to walk again. I'm still a little dizzy but for another reason.

Ty's POV:
We enter Whartons and search for a table.
It was much more crowded now. But luckily most of the families with their little kids were gone. Now there are mostly couples or families with older kids.
As we find a table and sit down I search for a theme to finally break the silence. It's not awkward silence it's more comfortable but I would much rather like to talk. So I ask the first question that comes to my mind.
„Do you already know what you wanna eat?"
„Not really. I haven't had something to eat here for a while. I think I need to take a look at the menu."

Sure our family's had been busy lately and the two didn't meet up here since she drunk kissed me. It's not like I didn't wanted to but at first we were really distant. Then I dated Cece and Annie Jackson. And with Jackson living in Castlewood they probably didn't meet up  here anymore.

So she took a look at the menu and after about 10 minutes we were ready to order and the waitress comes over to our table.
„Hey what can I bring you?"
I look at Annie and symbolize her to go first.
„I would like the Italian sandwich and a strawberry iced tea without sugar please."
„Ok and for you?"
„The Whartonsburger and a coke please."
„I'm gonna be back with your drinks soon." The waitress promises before walking away.

While waiting for our drinks and meals we start to talk again.
„It's pretty crowded in here today. Hopefully it won't take to long. Otherwise your Dad is gonna kill me." I said half joking half serious.
„It's gonna be fine.My parents know how difficult a full restaurant can be sometimes."
She smiled at me. And after thinking about something real quick it was like a light lights up in her eyes and her smile grows even bigger. God how I love that smile. It's the most beautiful I've ever seen. And it also makes me want to kiss her. But instead I just grab her hand and hold it.

„You know what you worrying about the time made me have a flashback. Do you remember when we were younger and our moms and aunt Helen would take you ,Kyle and me here once a week to have dinner. And we couldn't wait for our meals so our Moms and aunt Helen would always play this game with us. Where we would choose a random person and the other had to guess who it was. What's it called again?"

„I don't know. But yeah I know what you mean. I loved playing this game." Especially with you.
„Wanna play?" I smile at her.
„Yeah sure. You start." She smiles back.

After a while the waitress comes and brings our drinks. „One strawberry iced tea without sugar for the beautiful young lady and one coke for her boyfriend." We both blush. Are we boyfriend and girlfriend? I don't know I'd really like to. But what if she thinks it's to early? I think I'm gonna ask her on another date.
„Wow this is delicious." Annie says after taking a sip. „Wanna try? Maybe it's even better than  coke."she said teasingly.
„Sure why not. Thanks." I take a sip. „Wow you're right it's really good. Even though it's sugar free." „Yeah. I think that's a habit I picked up from my mom." she looks a little bit sad. Dana Sue has found out a while about her blood sugar issues and makes sure not to eat to much sugar since the. I can see that it scares Annie but I know there's nothing that I can do that would make it go away. So I just squeeze her hand and give her a reassuring smile.

„Wanna have some of my coke?"
„No thanks. I'm not that into coke." She smiles.
But something about her impression is wired. I know her my whole life and she always used to love coke. But maybe she's just afraid that she'll get her moms blood sugar issue to.

„Wanna continue the game?" She says interrupting my thoughts.
„Sure I think it was your turn."

About 15 Minutes later the waitress brings our meals and we start to eat and talk again.
„Do you think we're ready for the chemistry test on Monday?" „Sure. We studied the whole week together. And you also studied with Cece and I with Gabe." „Yeah. You're right I'm just a little anxious I guess." „It's gonna be just fine."
I give her a reassuring smile. „By the way there is something I need to tell you about. The other day Cal asked Kyle, Kathie and me for our blessing to propose." My smile grows even bigger.
Annie also smiles now. „Why didn't you tell me sooner? Do you know when he's going to do it?" „We've been talking about so much I almost forgot. And they have a date tonight to I think he may already done it."
She doesn't gives me an answer right away. She looks like she's thinking about something.

„And you're sure you're okay with that?"
„Yeah I think so. Cal treats my mom so good and she's so happy. I haven't seen her this happy in years. And she deserves it! Especially after how badly my dad treated her."
Now Annie squeezes my hand.
„Apropos your dad. Did you hear anything from him?"
„No not really. And if I'm honest I don't care that much. He just left." She squeezes my hand again and moves her thumb in circles to calm me down and decides to drop it.

She knows how difficult mine and my dads relationship still is even though I kind of forgave him.

The evening goes on we talk and eat.

After a while I recognize that Annie isn't eating that much.
„Hey, are you okay? Don't you like the sandwich?"
„Yeah I'm fine just not that hungry. And a little nervous I guess."
„There's nothing to be nervous about. I really like you and nothings gonna change that." I smile at her and rub my tumb in circles over the back of her hand to comfort her.
„But if there's anything you wanna talk about I'm here for you."
„Thanks Ty. You're amazing. And I really like you too. But I promise I'm fine. I just had a big lunch."
Even though I know something is off I decide  to drop it.

About 20 minutes later I finished my burger and our drinks are empty. Annie decides to have the rest packed.
I call the waitress to tell her that we want to pay.
„Sorry Ty, I really need to use the restroom. Is it okay if I give you the money later?"
„No no it's fine. I invited you to this date. I pay."
„Okay, Thank you. I'll be right back."
She turns around and walks into the ladies room.

A/N: Hey sorry that it took me so long but I had some school stuff to do and didn't find time to write. Also I actually really wanted to be done with the story of their first date within 2 parts but that wasn't possible. Otherwise this chapter would probably have been over 2000 words. But I'll try to publish the 3rd part as soon as possible.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Don't forget to vote and let me know in the comments what you think.

In this together  (Annie and Ty  sweet magnolias fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now