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Annie's POV:
I wake up because someone gently shakes my shoulder. I wonder who would do that because I already know Ty is still asleep because I can hear him breathing evenly like he always when he sleeps.
I open my eyes and the widen in shock. A few meters away from Ty's bed stands Katie. But then I remember Ty told me about it yesterday. So I just yawn, look at her, and put a finger in front of my mouth to signalize her to keep it low so she won't wake up Ty.

„Morning Annie."
„Good morning Katie. What do you think of going downstairs playing something and I'll make you breakfast." I whisper hoping not to wake Ty up. She just nods her head.
I carefully get out of Ty's embrace. He growns a little but then just turns around and continues sleeping. I get out of his bed, holding ion to his bedside table stabling my self until the dizziness is almost gone. I walk over to Katie, we open the door quietly and make our way downstairs.

We enter the kitchen finally being able to talk out loud again.
„Are you hungry yet or do you wanna play something first?"
„I would love to play something but I'm starving." I smile at her. She's literally the mini version off her brothers when it comes to food.
„Okay what do you wanna eat? We can play something afterwards."
„Chocolate chip pancakes!" she screams out happily. Wow. I wish I could go back to that age where eating food was just about the taste and being full afterwards.
„Okay." I decide to do the triple portion knowing Ty and Kyle love them too.
Hopefully Katie won't notice that I won't eat anything.

We search for the ingredients,I start to do the dough  and she stands beside me watching.
„Can I ask you something?"
„Sure sweetie." I say while adding the chocolate chips.
„What where you doing in my brothers bed?"
Oh well. How do you explain insomnia to a 9 nine year old and that sleeping in her brothers bed and cuddling with him makes it better.
„Well, we arrived here very late yesterday and we just fell asleep talking." That was the best excuse I found quickly. But she seems to believe it.
„Is he you're boyfriend?" I smile widely and blush a little. We haven't told anyone yet because it was so late yesterday. But why shouldn't I tell her?
„Yes." I answer her happily. She jumps up and down in excitement and smiles at me. „Cool you're like a new big sister now." I just smile at her ruffle her hair and pull out the pan and start to bake the pancakes.

The first portion is done. I put the bowl with the dough in the fridge. The boys could bake them freshly their selfless when they woke up.
I put Katie's portion on a plate, pur sirup over it, she grabs 2 glasses of water, we sit down and I hand her her plate. We start to talk and she tells me about school and how happy she's about the engagement.

After she finished I put her plate into the dishwasher and we start to play UNO. We're in the middle of our 4th round when we hear footsteps on the stairs and Ty walks into the kitchen.
„Morning you two." He yawns, grabs a glass of water and sits down next to me.
„Watcha doing?"
„We're playing UNO and I'm about to win for the forth time." She tells him proudly with a wide smile on her face. I chuckle.
„You could have warned me. I still remember  her being good at it but not this good."
„Sorry " Now all 3 of us are chuckling.

„What did you have for breakfast?" He look at her first and the at me. There is something in his gaze. Does he look worried? No I'm probably just paranoid.
„Annie made chocolate chip pancakes."
„The dough is in the fridge." I cut her off before she can give him more details.
„Thanks." He stands up , heads to the kitchen, bakes his pancakes, comes back with his plate and sits down. While Katie and I continue playing. She win's almost every time.

After a while Ty finishes his pancakes and just watches us.
„Can we play something different? And Ty can you play with us?" Katie asks while looking at her older brother.
„Sure. What do you wanna play?"
„Ok go upstairs and get it." Katie runs upstairs.

As soon as she left the room his gaze lands on me.
„Thanks for taking care of her. But you know you didn't have to do that. Or at least not alone. You could have waked me up." I just smile and shake my head.
„No no it's fine. She's an angel and I love spending time with her. She's like a little sister to me. And you looked so peaceful that I wanted to let you sleep."

Ty's POV:
„Thanks." I smile at her. This is one of the things I've always liked about her. She's so good with kids. Especially with my little sister.
„Now that we're talking, I notice that I haven't really said good morning to you yet." I grin, cup her cheek and kiss her softly.

She smiles into our kiss and I deepen it by slipping my tongue into her mouth. Enjoying the taste of her mouth. She puts her arms around my neck and her hands into my hair. I let my drop from her cheek and pull her closer.
And was about to pull her in my lap when suddenly Katie was back and we break apart fastly. That's the usually good but in this case a little bad thing about kissing Annie. When we kiss I blend everything else out. There's just us. And I only feel our connected lips and tongues, her hands on mine and my hands on her body and the butterflies in my stomach."

„Eww you two are disgusting. Wanna play twister now?" She stands just a few  meters from us with the twister box in her hands.
I just stand up nod my head and hold my hand out for Annie.
„Sure." I look at her she is still blushing a little and still looks a bit embarrassed. She takes my hand, smiles at me gratefully while I slowly pull her up and put my arm around her to steady her while she stands.

Katie folds out the twister and puts it on the floor.
„Ok done. One of you spins the arrow for the instructions and the other one plays with me."
„What do you wanna do first?" I'm expecting her to say spinning the arrow anyway because playing won't help with the dizziness but she profs me wrong.
„I would like to play first if you don't mind."
„No I don't but are you sure." I give her a worried gaze.
„If you're worrying about the dizziness. It's fine. It's gone by now thanks to you always stabilizing me." She smiles, pecks my lips quickly and sits down next to Katie waiting for me to give them instructions.
I get over there and start spinning the arrow.

In the middle of our 4th round we hear someone suddenly open the front door.
30 seconds later my mom comes downstairs and enters the living room.

A/N: Hey, sorry for not updating! I kind of had a writer's block.I promise I'll try to upload the next part as soon as possible.
Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed!
Please vote and tell me what you think in the comments.

Also I'm really sorry (again) if there are any mistakes. As I already told you English is a foreign language for me. And I also tend to write this chapters at night .

And also late thank you for 1 K readers (the whole fanfic) I know it's not that much but I'm thankful for every single one of you!

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