Lily's birthday party part 1

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Ty's POV:
It's Friday school just finished and I'm on my way to the school parking lot to meet up with Annie and Kyle. The week really went by fast.
And at the same time not fast enough.
I didn't see Annie except from driving to school and home together and in chemistry. But we called each other almost every night.
Because we both had three exams this week. And she and Cece also helped Lily with the preparation for her party.
But now we have 2 weeks of fall break.

When I finally reach my care Annie and Kyle are already talking and waiting for me.
„Hey stranger." She smiles.
„Hey." I smile to, pull her into a quick hug and kiss her softly.
„Hey I'm still here."
We pull apart, Annie blushes a little,I roll my eyes , chuckle at my little brother and push him jokingly. While Annie just rolls her eyes chuckles  about our behavior while getting into the passenger seat.
„As if you and Lily  are any different. Apropos Lily you don't want to let her wait, do you ? So get in the car."

I start to drive to our house. Annie's gonna get ready at ours because we ordered the costumes to our house anyway. And after we got ready we're gonna go to Lily's early to help her to prep the last things before the other guests arrive.

When arrive at home I can already smell that my mom cooked for lunch. Usually we would eat Lunch at school but because of fall break we had less lessons today.
When we walk into the living room she notices us.
„Hey. Lunch is almost ready. Kyle, Ty could you please set the table?"
„Sure." I answer, Kyle nods and we start setting the table.
„Annie would you please go upstairs and get Katie?"
„Yeah sure."

Annie's POV:
I knock the door to Katie's room.
I enter and see that she's drawing and not looking up.
„Hey Katie, lunch is ready."
She looks at me and begins to smile.
„Annieee!" She jumps up and hugs me.
„You haven't been here in forever. I missed you."
„I know it's been a while. I missed you too. But now come on we need to get down."
We walk downstairs and she sits down.
„Can you sit next to me?"
„Sure." I sit on the chair next to her and Kyle, Ty and Maddie come out of the kitchen each with a bowl. I take a closer look. Bread, Salad and eggs. Ms Paula's special sweet potato salad. At least it doesn't have that many calories.

Suddenly the doorbell rings, Maddie puts her bowl on the table and walks to the door.
„Cal probably forgot his keys. I was already wondering where he was." Ty says while sitting on the chair next to me. While Kyle sits down next to him.

He was right. Maddie and Cal come down and sit down Maddie on the other side of Katie and Cal between her and Kyle.
„Hey, sorry I'm late."
„Can we please just distribute the food and start eating, I'm really hungry." Kyle says and Ty agrees. „Yeah me too."

About 3 minutes the food is distributed and everybody started eating. Except me. I just pick at my food and kind of sort the salad.
„Is everything okay Annie?" Shit Maddie noticed. Now they're all staring at me.
„Yeah I'm just not that hungry. My mom made us a big breakfast this morning and Lily brought cupcakes to class. Sorry."
„It's okay just please try to eat this small portion you have on your plate. I wouldn't feel good if I let you go to Lily's birthday party completely without lunch."
We continue eating and begin to talk about our weeks. I eat very slowly but I eat. I'm just gonna throw it up afterwards.

Also concerning  is that I catch Ty looking at me sometimes throughout the whole time. He has a worried expression on his face. Shit. What if he knows? But how could he? No. I just hope not. I'm just gonna have to be a little more careful. And find better excuses.

We clean table and head upstairs. And walk into Ty's room to make a plan , while sitting down.
„Okay it's 2:00 pm and we have to be there at 5:00pm so we still have 3 hours." Kyle informs.
„By the way we can't just walk there. Someone needs to drive us there and back here."
„I can be the sober driver if you want." I suggest. I don't really like driving since the car accident in Castlewood but I'll have to start again someday anyway and this is a good option.
Ty looks at me a little worried.
„Are you sure?" I smile at him. He knows me too well. But I'm gonna do this.
„Yeah it's fine. I don't want to drink anyway. Because I think we all remember how bad the last time I drunk alcohol at a party ended. And besides if that's all I would like to start getting ready and take a shower if that okay with you."
„Sure." The both say, I grab my purse with my stuff, my costume, walk out of the room and into the bathroom. Lock the door throw up, brush my teeth and get into the shower.

Ty's POV:
About 1 and 20 minutes later Annie walks into my room just in a towel.
„Sorry. Lily just texted me and told me that she just thought about it and it would be better if we change into our costumes at hers because then there wouldn't be a chance to get them ruined before the party. And I don't have any changing clothes except for my costume with me. Can I maybe borrow some of yours?"
„Of course. I have to take a shower now, but you know where everything is. So just help yourself. Ok?"
„Yeah thank you."
„Thank you." She smiles, gives me a soft kiss, turns around opens my closet.
I walk out of the door, into the bathroom and shower.

After about 30 minutes later I also showered and put on a plain white shirt and black joggers. I leave the bathroom and go over to my room. When I open the door I see Annie being on her phone, typing something while sitting on my bed. Her beautiful long brown wavy hair down still a little wet, also already dressed. Kyle also seeming to be ready pacing around while looking on the floor. Then he sees me.

„Ty finally we only have 10 Minutes left. And I thought we would have enough time if I shower in mom's bathroom. Let's go."
He already grabs his stuff and leaves the room when Annie looks from her phone in confusion. Kyle comes back.
„Annie let's go." He says impatient and leaves the room again.
I go over to her and hold out my hand for her to grab. She grabs it and I slowly pull her up but don't let go of her hand and put my other arm around her. Hopefully that will stabilize her and help her with the dizziness I already thought of.

„Does it get better? And except the dizziness is everything okay?"
„Yeah it'll be over in a minute. I was texting Cece to remind her of the cake we baked this morning."
I chuckle a bit.
„You're such a good friend. I don't know if I would or could stand up that early to bake a cake even if it would be for Gabe's birthday."
„Well as I said, I had support."
„Then I have to correct myself you both are really good friends. " I chuckle again.
„Who would have thought that you two would become such great friends." She chuckles a little too.
„Yeah, I know, right? But I like it. It doesn't bother you though right? I mean I wouldn't want to end the friendship because of that, but I would wanna know. And.." I interrupt her.
„Annie no stop. I would never ask you to end a friendship because of me and I also don't have a problem and like it that you get along so well.
Cece and my relationship may not have worked out. And don't get me wrong I don't regret that we ended the relationship because now we're friends and you and I.."
What are we? I think I know but now is not the right moment to ask her. So I just continue speaking hoping she just overhears it.
„And she's an amazing person and a great friend. So yeah I don't have a problem at Al with you two being friends." I end and smile at her. She smiles back and I took a loose hair strain behind her ear and kiss her.

Just when I want to deepen the kiss I hear Kyle scream from the front door.
„Come on guys we need to go. Lily's waiting."
We pull apart, I roll my eyes but I still keep my arm around her and hold her hand.
„Is the dizziness gone?"
„Yeah. Let's go. Otherwise he will kill us."
We both chuckle. We let go.I grab my bag and she wants to grab her too but I'm faster.
„Ty seriously I'm okay now I can take my own bag." I just shake my head, grab her and and pull her downstairs to the front door.

Kyle says my mom while we put or shoes on.
„Okay guys don't be home too late and take care of each other."
„Okay bye mom" Kyle leaves.
„Also Annie, your mom and I talked and thought it might be practical if you sleep over here tonight."
She smiles at us.
„Oh thanks.Yeah you're right it will probably be easier. But are you sure I can stay? I did that a lot lately and I don't want to be a burden or for you to think that I take if for granted."
„No. Sure sweetie. You're always welcome. But maybe both of you could stay in your on beds this time." She looks serious and amused at the same time.
My eyes widen in shook and I blush a little and when I look at Annie I see the same expression on her face.
„Ssoorry about that.." Annie says blushing even more.
My mom burst int a laugher.
„It's fine Cal explained everything but please don't let it happen to often. And now go otherwise Kyle will kill you."
„Okay see you later mom."
„Bye Maddie."
We say while I pull her out of the door to my car.

A/N: Hey, thanks for reading, I hope you liked it. And sorry for the kind of wired ending and not updating for a while. I try to upload part 2 as soon as possible.

As always please vote and comment what you think. And also thank you soo much if you really do.

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