Family dinner part 1:

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Annie's POV:
I groan a little, yawn tiredly, open my eyes and look into his ocean blue ones.
„Hey, you're awake.Come on the movie's over, we need to leave. We only have 30 minutes until dinner." He stands up , holds about his one hand and grabs our trash with the other.
I grab his hand, he slowly pulls me up, lays his arm around me, I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I yawn again.
„Can't you just carry me ? I'm so tired.."
I say jokingly while opening my eyes and looking at me.
„I fear that would give off the wrong expression. I mean I wouldn't care but I think our parents would." He grins. I grin back and he just pulls me closer in order not to loose me in the crowd and just leaned a bit on him letting him pull me with him still struggling to keep my eyes open.

We meet the others outside.
„Finally there you are. What are we gonna do now?" Kyle asks obviously not knowing what time it is or when we need to be at dinner.
„I'm really sorry, but you, Annie and I need to go now because we have to be home for dinner in about 25 minutes.Mom texted me while we were already watching that boring movie."
„Oh shit I forgot then let's go."
We all walk back to Lily's, say our goodbyes, get in the car and drive back to the Townsends house.

We arrive, get out of the car and enter the house.
„Hey mom, we're home." Kyle yells while we get out of our shoes and jackets.
Cal comes upstairs and walks over.
„Hey, you're mom isn't home at the moment. She went to the supermarket real quick to get some last ingredients for the barbecue and the salad. But she and also your parents and Helen should be here any minute. I'm gonna go and turn on the grill." He goes back downstairs.
„I'm gonna look if I can help him." Kyle follows him. Ty and I go upstairs.

We enter his room, he sits down on his chair,I pull out my hairbrush out of my bag and brush my hair. After that I check my makeup in my phone camera and apply some tinted strawberry chapstick. I look up and catch Ty staring at me.
„What?" I chuckle a little.
„Did I tell you tell you already how beautiful you are, today?" I chuckle more, walk over to him, sit on his lap, turn that we can look at each other and kiss him.
At first I was just going for a quick peck but he pulls me closer and deepens the kiss.
Not that I mind. I love kissing him it just feels nice and has this effect where everything else except us disappears.
We keep kissing and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach. He quietly moans in my mouth and I smile against his lips.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. We stop kissing and Ty groans annoyedly.
„Can't we just be undisturbed for once." He whispers in my ear, I smile at him,get up from his lap and pull him with me. I feel a little dizzy and fluctuate a little but Ty pulls me closer immediately and steadies me. I smile at him as thanks.

„Come in." Katie opens the door and enters the room.
„Hey, Katie." We both greet her.
„Hey, mom told me to tell you two to come down. Everyone's here now."
„Okay thanks, we're coming in a second."
She runs out of the room back downstairs.

„I think we should tell them right in the beginning.Then nobody can say something by mistake and we don't need to act differently."
„Yeah. You're ready?"
As ready as possible." I give him a half-smile I'm a bit worried how everyone will react. He kisses me on top of my head.
„Don't be nervous. Everything will be alright."
Now I'm grinning. He knows me too well. But that's one of the reasons I like him so much. The way he cares for others. Even though he's nervous too her tries to comfort me.
He grabs my hand, we intertwine our fingers and walk downstairs.

„Hey there you are." My mom pulls me first and then Ty into a hug. My dad and Aunt Helen do the same.
„How was Lily's party?" My mom asks.
„It was really good..."
Cal enters the room.
„Okay the barbecue is ready. You can just sit down."
Maddie gets the glasses and champagne for the adults and orange juice for the adults.
We sit down, Kyle and Cal put everything on the plates and we pass the rest of the food around. Maddie pours the drinks into the glasses. We raise them.
„To your engagement!" We toast and drink.

Ty grabs my hand, gives it a squeeze and looks at me. Now's the moment. I take a deep breath and start.
„So before we sit back down and start to eat..."I start.
„There is something we need to tell you. We're officially a couple now." Ty continues.
He looks at me smiling, I squeeze his hand and smile also.

„Finally! That was about time."
Mom walks over and gives both of us a hug.
„I knew it! I knew it since Ty and I were talking about relationships and he mentioned simpler coffee orders." Aunt Helen gives us a hug too. And whispers something in Ty's ear, which I don't understand but he just smiles thankfully.
„If we're being honest we all knew way before that. The two of you just have this special bound since you were little. Again I'm really happy for you!" Maddie hugs us both. „I think I have some explaining to do." She says and walks over to mom and aunt Helen.
„We all are." Dad gives us both a hug too.
„But seriously Ty if you ever hurt her I'll kill you."
„Dad!" I exclaim embarrassed and annoyed at the same time.
„Sure. But seriously I could never." I look back at Ty and he just looks at me with lovingly eyes.
Cal walks over.
„Congratulations. I already new it since I saw the way you treat each other for the first time."
He smiles at us, also gives both of us hug and walks over to Maddie.

I look back at Ty. He just takes my hand and we intertwines our fingers again. Because we had to let go during all the hugging.
„Look I told you everything would be fine."
He smiles looks back at our parents and the looks back at me.
„Good, they're not focusing on us right now.."
I want to ask him what that's about but he just pulls me closer and kisses me softly on the lips quickly and after that he pulls me into a hug.

A/N: Hey, I know I said I probably wouldn't update that soon but I had this idea in my head and had to write it down. I should probably do school stuff right now but here I am.

Thanks for reading this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! As always please vote and let me know what you think in the comments!
Thanks! X

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