Family dinner part 2

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Ty's POV:
We all sit back down, eat and start to talk about the wedding.

I take some careful looks at Annie. She's eating kind of slow but all in all normal. That really relieves me.

After a while we're all done with eating and Katie starts to yawn.
„Katie are you tired? What time is it?" Mom asks and looks at the clock.
„Oh it's way past your bedtime. Come on you need to go to bed. Go up and get ready I'll come to read you your bedtime story."
„Ok." She yawns again. „Goodnight everyone!"
„Goodnight!" We all answer.
Katie stands up and walks upstairs.
Mom sighs and they continue discussing what dresses and flowers they should choose for the bridesmaids,maid of honor and matching the suits for the man's of honor and we listen.

After a while Annie taps on my shoulder and whispers in my ear.
„Maybe it would be a good idea if we go up and read Katie her bedtime story. Your mom seems so stressed and they still have to plan so much."
I just smile and nod my head . I've always loved the way she acts around Katie. She's so caring for the people that are important to her. That's one of the things that made me like her so much.
„Mom, Annie had an idea: we can go upstairs and read Katie her bedtime story and you can keep on planning."
„That would be really sweet of you. Thanks."
I take Annie's hand, slowly pull her up with me, lay my arm around her to steady her and we make our way upstairs.

„Before we go there. Could we maybe change in something more comfortable? These jeans are new and still kind of uncomfortable."
„Yeah sure. You can just take the clothes you wore last night." We walk into my room.
„Thanks." We both smile. She takes the clothes walks into to bathroom and I stay in my room to get changed. A while later she walks beach into my room and we're both changed. She took of her makeup but still looks as pretty as ever. I honestly like her better this way. But I like her with makeup too. There's just nothing that could destroy her beauty or that I like her I always will. She laughs a little.
„Are you gonna keep staring at me or are we gonna go?"
„..What? Sorry." I didn't notice I was staring.
„I was just admiring your beauty." I smile.
She giggles and blushes.
„You're so cheesy! But thanks! You look good too."
We both keep smiling, I kiss her soft but quickly, take her hand and intertwine our fingers. And we walk back to Katie's room.

Annie knocks on Katie's door and we walk into her room . She's sitting at her table writing in some book. When I take a closer look I recognize it's a friendship book. I grin. I still remember filling these out with and for my friends. Maybe I should search for mine. That could be really funny. I'm pretty sure mom kept it. I'm gonna ask her tomorrow.
We walk over to her.

„Hey sweetie, our parents still have to plan a lot for the wedding. But Ty and I are gonna read you your bedtime story, ok?"
„Oh. Yeah sure! But can you sit down on my bed with me?"
„Sure." She sits down on the right side of her bed, right next to the wall. I cover her with her blanket,sit down on her left and she lays her head on my shoulder. Annie still stands in front of Katie's bookshelf.
„Ok what do you want us to read?"
„Peter Pan!"
„Sure." She grabs the book from the shelf, walks over, gives me the book, sits down next to me and I put my arm around her.

„Who do you want to start?"
„Maybe you could start and read Wendy's part and Ty could read Peters part later."
I give her the book and she starts to read. About two chapters later it's my turn.

I start to read and the next time I look at Katie, which must be about 3 chapters later, she's asleep. I smile and want to tell Annie to get up carefully so we can lay her down and let her sleep. But when I look at Annie she's asleep too. So I just say nothing,carefully pull my arm away, lay her head on the mattress ,lay Katie's on her pillow and then slowly get up.

In this together  (Annie and Ty  sweet magnolias fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now