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At Y/n's Home.........

"Taehyung has invited you to go to a party with him , he also has send you a dress "

Y/n's mom uttered.

"OH "

I replied getting up from my bed .

"What's with the rude reaction Y/n , are you not happy with the marriage?? He's rich , handsome,  what more do you want ??"

Y/n's mom asked Being annoyed.

"Are those the only thing people need In their partner??"

Y/n asked sadly
Y/n's mom found her words a little strange placing her outfit on the couch she left . Y/n examined the outfit,  a red body cone,  Taehyung's really good,  genuine,  but something is off about this marriage  ,
Something about him is not something Y/n want in her marriage. 

At the party........

"Y/n , this is my friend Nick , "

Taehyung introduced her with another friend of his . They shake hands .

"She's really heavenly beautiful Tae , where did you find this beauty?"

Nick commented , Y/n felt herself a little uncomfortable. 

"I told you I'll marry the most beautiful girl on the planet,  and see its her "

Taehyung replied

Taehyung was enjoying with his friends and Y/n is left all by herself,  it's suffocating for her , as she never attended any type of parties neither she had friends like this , suddenly out of nowhere Nick appeared making her startle.

"HI Y/n !!"

Nick uttered examining her top to bottom.
His gaze Is making her feel uneasy.

"H-hi "

Y/n replied. Nick get closer. Y/n stepped back.
Soon Nick trapped her on the counter.

"Get away,  you're too close "

Y/n uttered.
Nick chuckle.

"Dump Taehyung Y/n , a flower like  you will look better in my garden "

Nick uttered.
Nick picked her chin up and tried to kiss her .Y/n pushed him and slapped him  . The whole room stopped.  Taehyung ran towards her immediately.

"What happened??"

He asked. Furrowing his eyebrows

"He's  , he's trying to kiss me !!!"

Y/n Panicked

"Nooo , it's a lie brother, it's her , she's seducing me , "

Nick protested

"No I didn't,  believe me "

Y/n beg to Taehyung.
Taehyung punched Nick hard .

"I Don't want to see you near her "

Taehyung yelled

"But she's the one , you're marrying a whore,  she tried to seduce me , "

Nick scream.
People around the room started gossiping and looking at Y/n weirdly.

"Enough!!, end of Everything "

Taehyung uttered.
He grabbed her wrist and went outside.

At the car...........

Y/n was crying silently , inside the car , soon Taehyung entered, 

"Than -Thanks "

Y/n tried to utter.
Taehyung harshly grabbed her shoulder  .

"You're soon to be Mrs Kim , so don't go whoring  around "

Taehyung exclaimed.
Tears formed into Y/n's eyes .

"I didn't!! I wasn't doing-"

before she could utter anything she felt a sharp pain on her cheeks.
Taehyung slapped her .

"Never talk back , I'm your husband,  you should behave like a obedient wife "

Taehyung yelled.

"Did you get that??"

Taehyung asked
Y/n was crying continuously,  she only nod .

"Words !!!" Taehyung growled again.

Y/n's now shaking all over .


she replied


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