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Y/n looked impatient, 

"What happened??"
Y/n asked

"I - I can't do this !"

Taehyung uttered without looking at her .

Y/n frown,

"Why ??"

Y/n asked hugging him from behind.

"You're not understanding Y/n , I can't let myself fall for you "

Taehyung uttered.

Y/n made him face her
Her eyes twitch

"Why !! Is there something wrong in me ?? "

Y/n begged

Taehyung shook his head as no

"Nothing is wrong in you, it's me ,you might not know but I'm a psycho, my love is mad and wild , it will suffocate you the rest of your life , later you'll try to run away from me , which will be unbearable for me !! My l0ve is crazy , I'm insane, I'm over possessive,  controlling, so it would be better if you don't Tangle with me "

Taehyung uttered averting his gaze

Y/n is staring at him only.

She smirk

"I'm willing to stay as you want !! I don't care if you're psycho or not your love is madness or not , whatever it is ,I am craving for it , I want it , I swear I'll never run away,  I'll chase you All along"

Y/n stated holding his collar.

"Think before saying anything !! It's a matter of your life , you're a self dependent lady, how you're gonna stay as I want !! "

Taehyung tried to convince.

Or tried to warn her for their upcoming future.

But the previous self of Y/n took over

"Self dependent my foot,  stop challenging Me , I said I want you and that's final , if I ever tried to run away, I give you rights to cage me however you want , but right now you can't reject me !! I want your madness and crazy love ,give it to me only me "

Y/n yell ,

Taehyung's eyes lit up , that's what he wanted to hear , and the voice has been already recorded .

"You won't regret it right ??"

Taehyung warn lastly.

Y/n pulled him into a kiss in response.
He held her waist,  he pulled out ,and stare at her intensely.

Then lean near her neck ,other Hand removing her pajamas.

Y/n moan softly feeling his touches.
He caressed her breasts and kissed then then bite making purple hickeys.

Y/n grip tightened around his neck
Her eyes are close in pleasure, 
Taehyung wrap her legs around his waist while sucking her boobs, 
Took her to the bed , made her lie on the bed , he went down removing her shorts
Y/n's breath got heavy she clutch the bed sheets ,

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