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"So tell me ,what you were about to say yesterday "

Taehyung uttered

He's currently sitting in a living room before her is Lisa

"That you're marrying a wrong person, she's not what she shows "

Lisa uttered.

Taehyung looked more serious and question

"What she is then ??"

Lisa looked more satisfying

"She's a monster, a Killer, a psycho Killer "

Lisa uttered.

Taehyung didn't get shocked as he expected something like this .

"Details "

Taehyung uttered.

Lisa's eyes lit up

"In her middle school, she out of jealousy had killed a girl by stabbing her neck by a pen , more interesting is she even pushed her best friend from stairs cause her best friend talked more people "

Lisa uttered excitedly.

Taehyung listen but didn't respond.

"She has to spend her 4 years in reform centre "

Lisa uttered.

Taehyung got up and reached near Lisa

"Now tell me honey, why you came to spill the bean "

Taehyung uttered leaning on her face .

Lisa's face flushed.

"I- I "

Lisa lowered her gaze


Taehyung asked stroking her hair .

Lisa is stunned

"N-no ,II want you "

Lisa uttered fidgeting her fingers.

Taehyung stepped back and laughed loud .

Lisa sat being dumbfounded.

"You're incredible "

Taehyung uttered once he stopped laughing.

Lisa beam

Taehyung again return to her

"I can fulfil your wish silly ,but -"

Taehyung stopped

Lisa looked eager

"But what ??"

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