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"You're going somewhere??"

Y/n asked next day
Taehyung nod , and kissed her forhead.
Y/n blush,  she's enjoying her life with Him except when he leaves
She feels sad

"I'll be quick don't be sad "

Taehyung uttered. Y/n nod shyly, 
She feels this way only before Taehyung,
Before his dark intense gaze She feels she's exposed,  just before his smile She feels her heart flutters .
Just before his embrace She feels safe and loved,  yet when he leaves even for a little She feels lone , she feels as if she has nothing.

She get jealous, jealous of everyone, his work ,his Friends, his phone everything.

She desires him to be only hers .

Do Taehyung understands that ??
He do ??
What's the desperation for ??
Why it feels like she's recalling her psycho self ?? No it's not possible
Her psycho self !! She buried it 7 years ago .

But then still,  she can't help but to get furious when someone interrupt their special moments.

Taehyung left Taking his coat .

Y/n returned to her couch,  her phone got tons of notification
It's her parents asking her continuously returning.
She turned it off with a annoying expression.

"What if that girl comes to meet him??"

Y/n mumbled concentrating yesterday's incident.


Taehyung and Y/n were watching movie like a couple,  it was Y/n's idea to experience something like this .

Taehyung agreed,  when they heard doorbell

They got up reaching downstairs Y/n found a girl

May be older than y/n's age , she has a bouquet and she ran towards Taehyung hugging him tightly screaming
"Oppa !! "

Y/n clutch a chair's handle as her eyes twitch ,

Taehyung didn't noticed Y/n's expression

He pulled out

"Jennie?? You're here ??"

Taehyung asked in disbelief.

"I missed you !!"
Jennie hugged

Taehyung felt suffocate under her grip ,Jennie eyed Y/n with a smirk

Y/n couldn't tolerate it more , she stomped inside

As she went upstairs Taehyung pulled out
Jennie smirk

"That's her ??"
Jennie asked
Taehyung nod looking back at stairs

"Heavenly pretty !! But plan didn't work Hyung,  she only got angry I thought she'll come to hit me "

Jennie uttered with a evil grin

"She's naive,  she won't do such,  but I just wanted to check her jealousy level ,it's not harmful, "

Taehyung replied

Jennie chuckle

"Yes ,it's harmless, but only if she had seen your jealousy level "

Jennie commented

Taehyung chuckle

"Now return and light her mood ,I'm leaving "

Jennie grin

Taehyung nod .

Taehyung returned upstairs
When he opened the door , a wave of water drenched him completely,
He stood there dumbfounded

Y/n dropped the bucket aside and pat him with towel

"Now you're clean again "

Y/n replied with a smile

Taehyung's eyes twitch

"I was clean "

Taehyung replied

"No , you weren't, how can you stay clean when a outsider has hugged you to death just now !! But I washed it off now you're clean again "

Y/n replied with a smile .

Taehyung stood in confusion

"Oh !! You're drenched,  go change yourself!! Or you'll catch cold "

Y/n uttered in worry

"She's my sister, "

Taehyung replied bluntly

Y/n grin

"Such a pretty sister, I would definitely greeted her if she hadn't suffocate you to death "

Y/n replied with a smile

Taehyung frown ,but walk towards the washroom

"One thing,  any other woman other than me are  your sister, treat then like a sister "

Y/n grin ,

Taehyung felt odd

"What did I miss ??"

Taehyung mumbled 

But Y/n didn't said anything more

Flashback ends     

"He's just so damn attractive,  he surely catches attention,  "

Y/n mumbled and got up

"No,  sitting here won't help I must go outside "

Y/n replied.

And went to her room ,to dress

After few minutes she was done she went outside.


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