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Y/n was walking around while munching some fries ,when someone approached to her

"Hey Y/n !! Is that you ?? Yes it's you "

A girl around her age asked Y/n rounding her eyes

Y/n's eyes twitch

"Do I know you !!"

Y/n questioned and tilt her head

"Come on Y/n ,ofc you know me I'm Lisa your school friend!! I mean crime partner!!"

Lisa named girl uttered dancing her eyebrows.

Y/n turned white immediately as she heard the word school.

"I don't know you , you got the wrong girl"

Y/n replied and tried to walk away when Lisa grabbed her wrist 

"What's gotten into you Y/n!! I know it's you ,I've watched your competition in TV , don't you remember me ?? Or perhaps you don't wanna recall what we had done in early days ??"

Lisa asked last words with a smirk.

Y/n yanked her wrist

"Listen I warned you earlier I don't know you , better stop bothering me !! I have a Mafia boyfriend, who will skin you apart "

Y/n replied gritting her teeth.
But this made Lisa chuckle.

"Oh my my !! So you're the one whom the Mafia V took in , it makes sense though as a Mafia like him suits a psychopath like you !!"

Lisa mocked.

Y/n's face turned red in anger.

"Mind your words you coconut head !"

Y/n growled.

"See you remember me !! Oh I see may be Psychopath is the triggering point !! You didn't get used of it do you?? "

Lisa asked raising her eyebrows

Y/n is visibly mad .

"I said shut up !!"

Y/n threatened

"Or else what?? You gonna stab your pen on my neck like you did previously, psycho bitch !!"

Lisa uttered.

Y/n raised her hand to smack Lisa but she heard the whisper in her ear

"Not now someone's watching "

Y/n retreat her hand ,
Lisa in between Covered her face in fear but when nothing happens she removed her hands and found Y/n is nowhere

"What an interesting day indeed "

Lisa mumbled.

While Y/n walked away 

But she can feel few people people are following her from behind

"Are they Taehyung's people?? Keeping an eye on me so I stay safe ??"

Y/n mumbled.

She heard someone again whispering

"No they Don't seem like safe , they seem Danger, return home Y/n "

Y/n eyed around. And made her way to return.

When someone approached from behind and tried to Kidnap her .



"Why you called me in a sunny morning?? Dad ?"

Taehyung asked sipping tea before sitting his Dad .

His Dad wipe some sweats

"I - I actually want you to return,......

Dad uttered

Taehyung tilt his head

"Funny dad, for days and months I tried to convince you that I'm Taehyung yet now when you want me in you're behaving as if you believed I'm Taehyung "

Taehyung uttered

His Dad looked uneasy ,

It's obvious no one can stand before Taehyung's deep gaze

"It's not like that Son , I believe You're Taehyung, I've overheard Jaehyuk's conversation few days ago ,so I want you to return "

His Dad uttered.

Taehyung nod

"But I don't want it Dad , I love hoe I am now , I don't want to leave my identity as V, I have my freedom  here  , i can do anything i want "

Taehyung replied as he got up

His Dad looked desperate he quickly grabbed Taehyung's hand

"Please Son , don't leave me at bay , Jaehyuk is ruining the Business, if he continues this Kim will fall apart , I'm not forbidding you from anything just take your place here , "

His Dad uttered.

Taehyung smirk

"But still Dad , you know I have a choiced woman, whom I desire to Marry but you also know Jaehyuk wanted to marry her ,so......."

Taehyung didn't finish the sentence and glance at his Dad.

"Y/n right !! Marry her , I have no problem accepting that woman, just return boy "

Taehyung's Dad begged.

Taehyung is satisfied.

"Fine , I'll be back in two days "

Taehyung replied.

That's when his phone buzz .

Taehyung received it immediately

"Boss !! Drake's people are following Ma'am !!"

The other person uttered.

Taehyung freak out

"What !! What do you mean by following her !!"

Taehyung yell

"Ma'am was strolling outside after you left , so as per your order I followed her ,and noticed Drake's people are keeping an eye on Ma'am "

Informer uttered

"Where's it !! I'm coming!! Were you not with force ??"

Taehyung asked

"No sir We're only 5 they're in huge numbers moreover a car was with them I fear they will trying to Kidnap her "

Informer uttered.

"OK,  keep an eye I'm coming!!"

.Taehyung finished and ended the call in a hurry.

He turned towards his Dad , who's dumbfounded

"I agreed to come ,so see you in two days"

Taehyung finished and ran outside in a hurry.


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