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Y/n and Taehyung returned to home .
Y/n was feeling low , Taehyung noticed it

"Do you feel hungry?? We didn't had dinner there!! "

Taehyung uttered

"N-no !!"
Y/n replied lowering her eyes

"Fine ! Then I'll make some instant noodles!!"

Taehyung replied heading towards his kitchen, Maids left the Kitchen to him ,
He pull one apron and wrapped around his waist , Then rolled up his sleeves.
Y/n clearly found visible veins, she gulp

Taehyung picked one pan , and started boiling water and other hand started chopping some garlic and spring onion.

Y/n never cooked in her entire .

She was watching him or I say admiring him ,
"He looks cool in everything he does "
Y/n compliment.

Soon room is filled with a spicy aroma
Y/n gulp her saliva as she's hungry !! And the smell is telling something delicious is cooking.

She took slow steps near the Kitchen,
Taehyung was stirring the noodles.
Y/n inhale the smell

"I'm still asking!! Want some ?? Not everyone gets a chance to taste food made by me "

Taehyung uttered.

"You're Such a tease "

Y/n replied with pout .
Taehyung smirk.

"Let me get some drinks then "

Y/n uttered getting towards the Fridge

Taehyung turned off the heat finding the meal is already done .
He turned behind to get some plates , that's when Y/n was also turned with two wine glass and they bumped
Wine drenched his white shirt .

Y/n gasp and immediately returning the glass on the counter she took few napkin to dry it
She's wiping standing too close to him , too close that she's hearing his heartbeats and her hands stopped, the drenched shirt is showing his toned body and Y/n's desire to touch it bare raise ,
She simply caressed it , but the closeness was too much that she heard Taehyung's breath become heavy ,
She upper her eyes only to find him looking opposite direction.

She back off slowly. Taehyung turned normal

They ate food in silence, though Taehyung avoided Y/n's glance.

"Good night!"
Taehyung bid before entering his room

Y/n nod and returned her room ,


Lying on bed Y/n flip herself to other side caressing the bed sheet

"Am I being delusional?? Y/n wasn't like this !! But I want him !! I want him in all way possible! What's the meaning of him being with me but not exactly with me"

Y/n mumbled with a pout ,

She got up

"Do he think I'm not worthy?? Or does he has girlfriend?? Ommo !! What if he has !! Ugh I can't let others win him "

Y/n uttered

The cover her mouth

"I'm behaving like my previous self !! But Enough! I want clear answer, I want him and he has to be mine , no choice "

Y/n mumbled and stomped outside.

She knock Taehyung's room's door

It took few moments to open the door
Taehyung was quite surprised by her

"What happened?? Is anything wrong??"

Taehyung asked

Y/n stepped inside without saying anything only staring at Taehyung
Taehyung stepped back .

Y/n closed the door

Taehyung is still surprised, seeing Y/n in her cute night pajamas excited him a lot but he can control his emotions

"What happened Y/n ??"

Taehyung asked.

"Do you have a girlfriend??"

Y/n asked glaring at him , as if , if she says yes, she will punch him hard

Taehyung shook his head as no

"Then do you think- do you think I'm not pretty Enough??"

Y/n asked lowering her eyes

Taehyung step forward and reached her shoulder

"What nonsense, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen "

Taehyung uttered.
Y/n's eyes got years earlier hearing his words she grabbed his collar and pulled him close, his face just before her

"Then why you don't love me ?? What's wrong in loving me !! You know how frustrating it is when a person is fulfilling every wish of mine without asking but forgets to fulfill a important need of me !! I want you so badly, so badly that I'm not sure what I'm saying, I'm mad at myself or you , I don't know, I want you only you , your touch your kiss everything "

Y/n growled.

Taehyung blink eyes twice .

The closeness made his heart pound immensely.

He lick his dried lips
Y/n noticed it , driven by lust she smashed her lips on his kissing him hungrily, Taehyung's normally can control himself, but in this case he lost himself, he wrapped his arms around her Waist, his grip is tight ,
They're kissing each other holding each other , soon they pulled out breathing heavily staring intensely

Taehyung lean towards her neck biting it

Y/n moan in pleasure, a touch which she crave this long , a touch which Didn't disgusted her rather filled her with pleasure

But suddenly hearing her moan , Taehyung back off and stepped back widening his eyes .he cover his mouth I fear and turned behind

Y/n looked dumbfounded


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