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Y/n's pov......

I get dressed and did the minimum make up , and went outside some other people outside brought Me to Taehyung we stand together.  People are showering there blessings,  I can't think straight. I just want to go away.  Soon the Priest started chanting prayers. 
Then Said

"Mr. Kim Taehyung will you take miss
Y/n as your wife"

"I do "

Taehyung replied.

I clutch my gown tightly, thinking hard is there really no way of cancelling it .

Priest turned towards me ,

"Miss Y/n will you take Kim Taehyung as your Husband "

I panicked,  I don't want to say yes , everyone's eyes are now on me waiting for a reply,  I saw Taehyung glaring at me
I gaped my mouth to say something

At that very moment a group of people break into there , they're all dressed in black and has guns , all guests including my parents start to panic . They pointed gun on the head of them . There create a pin drop silence.  I wasn't scared cause it can be a way of the marriage getting cancelled by it's own , soon through the entrance a figure entered,  he's completely covered into a coat and his face is hiding under his hoodie . He walk straight towards us .

I could heard some guests gasping seeing the man

"V !!"

"Why he's here !!"

"My Goodness I'm scared"

"The Psycho definitely has some reason"

Reaching in front of me , he grabbed my wrist, which was a quite unusual behaviour as I expected him to be Taehyung's enemy. After holding my wrist he started dragging me outside , I was just staring at the unknown guy cause I'm completely clueless.and it's good that marriage is not happening  But Taehyung stopped me by holding my another wrist. I thought they'll fight but no . The unknown guy shot Taehyung near shoulder,  he groaned in pain , and let go my wrist. After coming outside of the hall
The unknown guy made Me sit inside a car and sat beside me ,

"Rob everything inside there "

He commanded before the car move away.
Are they robbers??

End of y/n's pov......

There was silence for a moment but then the Unknown guy speaks first.

"It was you right ?? Who called me and asked help ??"

He questioned. Y/n's eyes lit up .

"You came to save me ?? Really?? , I thought people will think it as a prank"

Y/n uttered she's relieved now.

"I thought that too , and I was determined to kill the person who tried to pull a prank on me "

He replied.

"But it turns out it's real , so"

He finished and ruffled her hair .but with a sudden touch Y/n shiver .
This made the guy surprised too .

"Are you afraid of  physical touch??"

He asked.
Y/n is surprised,  no one literally no one ever noticed how much she's scared of this  , but he noticed it with a instant. But she avoided the question.

"Could you let me stay at your place for some days , I'll move away after finding a stay "

Y/n uttered. 

The guy stayed silent then nod .


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