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Y/n's pov.........

I am happy,  though it's a completely different place ,
A place completely unknown to Me a person who's completely unknown to me ,still it's warm and safe.
I don't know why they look similar but my conscience is telling me they're completely different,
V can point out himself as Villain but do Villains behave this genuine to a girl, if it's because she's beautiful then also , do evil person really behave this genuine. I was thinking all this while showering. After that I came out and found a lot of boxes of clothes comfy pajamas to party attire everything was there . Really this early?? I chuckle. 
Soon I heard sound of gun shot I immediately ran outside. Near the stairs I found V is sitting on a couch.  Where someone was lying at his feet , his guards are dragging him outside.

"His kids are in elementary school I guess,  ??"

V asked.
For a moment my breath hicked.  But the next moment.

"Find a better parents for them "

V command them again.
I felt relieved as his guards left I went near him .

"You'll call yourself Villain after all these ??"

I asked
He startle at my sudden words .then chuckle.

"I just killed someone "

V replied.

"But you saved his kids "

I replied walking near him .

"Why would those little things will suffer for something their dad did "
V replied.

"Villains never care about that , they're just cruel, they just torture people who're weak than them , they molest them , choke them to death "

I replied recalling those painful memories.

"Does someone did those with you ?? "

V asked narrowing his eyebrows. I hesitate.

"Tell me , I can handle those "

V assured.

"Actually Taehyung -"

I was stopped in the middle by V .

"His name wasn't that , he's just pretending to be me so he can avoid the crime he had done "

V replied getting annoyed.

"Crime ?? Then who's he ?? And does that mean You're Taehyung??, why are you here ?? And what happened??"

I asked.

"Yes , I'm Taehyung the real one , and the thing is , the one you met is my identical twin brother Jaehyuk,  he's aggressive,  rude and dishonest,  disloyal , and is always gets scolded for his work from dad "

Taehyung uttered

"The Thing that happened is..... I used to have a female best friend  Lim Su kyung, but my identical brother Jaehyuk used to have a great obsession towards her , I don't know Actually how he killed her but on a rainy evening my brother asked me to meet him at a Club , reaching there I found Su kyung was stabbed,  driven by emotion I pulled out the knife but at the moment police reached there , and I was arrested, but in all records only Jaehyuk has a reservation in that club and we're identical twin so I became Jaehyuk,  though dad handle the case and I was released but dad abandoned me thinking I'm
Jaehyuk no matter how many time I tried to convince him but Jaehyuk manipulated them in between and convinced them that he's Taehyung "

V Finished I was stunned
V turn towards me .

"I actually told you this cause you will leave me and this place for forever "

V uttered.

"But I wish to leave you never "

I uttered underneath.

"Huh ??" V aka Taehyung asked.

"No - nothing " I replied.

"So continue yours now "

He instructed.
I explained each and everything to him .I could sense anger rising inside as I'm continuing the story.

"I promise I won't let him stay OK after doing all these"

V replied and left .
I am very surprised about telling him everything ,
I am in general a very reserved person but I told him .
Who knows why but I'm all relieved and happy after telling him , it feels like my all problems have him as a solution. I chuckle at my thoughts.

End of y/n's pov

Taehyung(V) was about to get inside the car he got a call.

"Yes Hyung?" He replied.

"I got a interesting information about that girl , you know stuffs like she used to play Badminton. But after the selection of the team for playing in national. Y/n was replaced two days and the new team was created,  and after that Y/n was never seen playing Badminton,  I get to in between the two days one day Y/n was called to meet the director in
a hotel , and she left the hotel crying,  I doubt something very bad happened, "

Yoongi Hyung uttered.

"Inform me everything about the director and ask Namjoon Hyung to Kidnap Jaehyuk "

V instructed and went inside the house again.


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