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Seeing Taehyung, Y/n's hands trembled the glass piece she was carrying earlier dropped on the floor

"Y-you killed her ??"

Taehyung's voice stutter.

Y/n's eyes went wide in horror as she glanced at the lifeless figure of Lisa .

Y/n immediately grabbed her head and fell on her knees mumbling continuously

"No- no - no I- I didn't I didn't-"

Y/n mumbled,

Taehyung stepped inside slowly and stood before her , Y/n got up

"Believe me ,it wasn't intentional !! The girl was provoking me saying you'll love her !! I - I just couldn't bear it "

Y/n defend herself and headed near Taehyung them stepped back and again biting her lips she looks here and there

"Y/n !! You're all drenched in blood "

Taehyung stated

Y/n looked more anxious

"I - I didn't,  I didn't killed!! You You're not going to leave me right !! You won't think I'm a murderer!! I'm not "

Y/n blabber and hold her head tightly.

"What have you done Y/n, you killed someone!! How you're gonna live !! You need to die too "

A voice spoke inside her head

"No - no I- I didn't "

Y/n defend.

Taehyung only watched her

"What no !! You're a murderer and Taehyung has witnessed it !! He will not love you ,he'll not l0ve us anymore!! So go!! Y/n go away, die "

A voice spoke again inside her head

Y/n grabbed her head tightly. And suddenly her eyelids feel heavy and she faint

The moment she faint Taehyung caught her .

He made her sit on the couch, a guard brought a glass of water  , Taehyung sprinkle it on her face .

Y/n slowly open her eyelids, these eyes are holding more fear ,more guilt , more pain.

She quickly hold Taehyung's hand

"Believe me , I didn't did anything intentionally !! Please don't hate me"

Y/n begged but her tone is much light , like he had heard when he brought her for the first time

A smirk peeked in Taehyung's lips and immediately disappeared as he wrapped his hand around her and console her

"I understand you didn't did it intentionally!! But you did ! But don't worry I'm with you "

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