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A bright sunny morning,  Taehyung was returning from a trip , and was in a car
At the street , a old man was crossing the road , when a bike hit him intentionally, people immediately gather to help ,but another bike chase the first one ,
Going a little ahead ,the second bike block the first one ,
The two guy from first bike got off , and went to hit the other  biker .

They raise their hand to punch but the 2nd biker kicked them hard in their ball made them groan in pain .

She smacked their head twice

And pulled them back to the accident spot , Taehyung was encountering this as , His driver went to a nearby shop.

The 2nd biker threw the two guy who are still groaning in pain beside the pavement.

The 2nd guy took off the helmet revealing herself as a beautiful maidan.
Taehyung is mesmerised by her beauty.

The guy were arguing,  she smacked them again.

Soon police came , she aggressively complaint against these two guy from 1sr bike .

Though she was expressing her anger towards the guy , Taehyung could only admire her  ,

She didn't noticed or cared about anyone,  when she got satisfied by the words of Police, 
She nod and wear her helmet again.
Taehyung got upset as her face is out of sight 

He didn't realize he has lost himself already.


The girl left in her bike .

The driver returned Soon

"What took you so long ??"

Taehyung asked Being pissed.

"I was watching miss Y/n's fierce actions , she's so cool , yet kind for others,  she lodge complaint against those scumbags , didn't you noticed boss??"

The driver asked.

"The girl who smacked them !! Her name is Y/n ?? How you know her ??"

Taehyung asked Being eager

"Ofc , she's a Famous Badminton player, my daughter loves her a lot "

Driver replied.

Taehyung didn't said anything but smirk.

Flashback ends


"She smacked two man ?? She's that strong?? Then why didn't she slapped Jaehyuk when he was being a jerk to her"

Jimin asked with a gasp

Taehyung smirk

"That's Thanks to me , only one thing can make a woman weak , attack on her pride !! The director incident has startled her core , so she assumed herself as a weak powerless woman , and I want this ,only by this way I will be able to keep her by me , "

Taehyung replied

Jimin sigh.

"I don't understand such nasty tricks ,yet I hope you gets what you want"

Jimin wish.

"Oh , but why you came here ??"

Taehyung asked.

"Nothing much but to inform you your Dad is trying to reach you "

Jimin uttered.

"I see , but he's wasting time ,I'll return to my family with Y/n ,once i make Jaehyuk disappear completely "

Taehyung replied.

Jimin smirk

"Fine , I shall leave then "

Jimin uttered.

Taehyung nod and came outside.



Y/n got a call from her parents ,
She received it chewing her food

"Are you alright??"

Her mom asked

"Yes , but wow did you realize now that I can be sad as well "

Y/n mock

"Stop behaving like this arrogant Y/n , I thought you've changed but you're still like previous "

Y/n's mom replied.

"Yes I am , so what ?? Who asked you to call me ?? I've insulted you and all so stop contacting me ,forget you have daughter "

Y/n replied

"We didn't blamed you Y/n, we feel sorry for you, that's why i called you , come back, no need to stay in a stranger's house , we will move somewhere else ,and we will marry you in a new family "

Y/n's mom uttered.

"First of all he's not a stranger to me , he's my dear one , and second I'm neither returning, nor I'm gonna marry someone "

Y/n replied.

"Don't stay mad at us , we're your only family Y/n , please come back , leave that Psycho,  He's a Mafia, he's dangerous what if he does something to you "

Y/n Mom uttered with a gasp

Y/n rolled her eyes

"Stop whining mom , I'm not a kid and he's not a psycho, moreover I love him,so I'll stay with him "

Y/n replied

"Love !! Have you gone insane?? Forget that , just return , he's dangerous "

Y/n's mom shout

"I love him , I do and I'm not leaving him ever again, "

Y/n replied

"Y/n , try to understand kid , he's a psychopath, if he's keeping you by force tell us ,we will find a way to make you return"

Y/n's mom uttered.

"It's nothing like that mom , I'm staying with him by my will , and I'll not return Stop bothering "

Y/n replied ending the call .

But she was unaware that Taehyung has heard whole conversation as the phone was in speaker. He stood there with a blank expression then returned to his room


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