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Y/n's pov.........

Entering there I found the director. He's begging to someone.  Soon as we entered. He quickly kneel down in front of V .

"Sir , please don't do this , I really never did anything to piss you "

He uttered then he noticed me.

"Does she said something?? She's a liar " director uttered.
V punched him hard .

And started beating him repeatedly. I was filled with so much hatred towards this guy that I was just watching. 

End of y/n's pov....

"Stop him now Namjoon,  or he'll kill him "

someone whisper to the other guy near him.

"You know how mad he became in anger Hoseok "

Namjoon replied.

Y/n noticed blood on V's hands .

"Stop now !! Please "

Y/n cried out .

Y/n's pov...

Without thinking anything I ran towards him and hugged him from behind.  He's injured. He need to stop now .

"Stop "

I almost whisper. His all movements also stopped instantly. 

End of her pov....

"Did you see that??? He stopped?? "

Yoongi asked

"Finally someone calm his anger "

Namjoon replied.

"I will destroy you for sure , remember that "

Giving the last warning V moved away.

In car .....

"What're you searching??"

Taehyung(V) questioned.

"First aid kit , your hands are wounded "

Y/n replied.

"No need , I'm used of it "

V replied.

"But still , then let's go to the medical shop "

Y/n told

"No , there's one in my house,  so we're going back"

V replied.

Y/n nod .

In House .....

"Thanks,  for everything you've done for me"

Y/n uttered. While applying bandage on V's hands

"It's OK,  the last thing I'll do is to secure a place far from Jaehyuk "

V replied. Y/n's face turned pale.

"I know a place where I'll be safe , from Jaehyuk, from director or from anyone "

Y/n uttered looking down .

"Where's it?" Taehyung(V) questioned.

"With you "
Y/n answered pointing Taehyung.

"With me ?? Y/n you're out of your mind , I'm more dangerous , "

V replied.
"You know one is tend to fall for the person who saves them from the Villain "

Y/n uttered.

"So you'll fall for someone who'll save you from me ??" Taehyung (V) questioned.

"No ,I told you you're not the Villain in my story You're a Hero  in disguise "

Y/n uttered getting up.

"I can't agree "

Taehyung replied.

"I don't care , I'm gonna stay here with you forever and its final , "

Y/n replied.

"What if I kick you out "

V asked.

"You can't!! And if you do I'll come back , "

Y/n replied with a grin .

"You're totally crazy "

Taehyung (V) shake his head as no .
"And you'll fall for this crazy too "

Y/n replied.  V went outside with a chuckle.

Coming out of the House he heard Jimin laughing.

"What's wrong??"

V questioned.

"I'm literally impressed, she's totally into you !!"
Jimin uttered between laugh .

"She just said she'll stay with me"

V replied rolling his eyes .

"That's the same thing after all these things you've done it's a victory I say "

Jimin replied with  a wink .

"I only help her so she can lead a better life "
V replied. At which Jimin laugh loudly.

"Enough of your acting bro , she's yours now , and at least stop pretending in front of Me "

Jimin uttered.
V sigh .
"You're right !! It's a victory though,  "

V replied.

"Like seriously, after all these things,  I mean from Asking the Director to harass her , then sending Jaehyuk the messages that Y/n is your love interest so he can become jerk to marry her , then spying her and break the wedding,  then shot Jaehyuk,  then brought her here ,torture Jaehyuk and the Director so she can feel safe around you , I mean finally after all these struggle you've her by your side , she has accepted the Villain you, you even pretend everything in  front of our Hyungs "

Jimin laugh out loud .

V only smirk


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