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After He left      

"What happened?? Why he left ?? And why are you wearing a hoodie right now ??"

Y/n's mom asked.

"Nothing,  he just asked forgiveness and giving the gifts he left "

Y/n replied with a fake smile

"Then you're agreeing with the marriage right ??"

Her dad asked on which y/n just nod.

"That's great,  they're organising everything,  from your Outfit to wedding hall , just a great people,  my y/n will live happily there "

Y/n's mom uttered.
Y/n left the room .
Standing on the roof where the wind is blowing her hair , she let out all her tears,  why is she Always this unlucky,  first that Incident in Her favourite  sport then this marriage,  he's treating her like a shit  now , Who knows how he'll react hearing that incident?? Will he blame her ??

"Why me !! I never asked anything God then why you're making it difficult for me!!"

Y/n shed silent tears
Then soon she wipe off her tears . And went downstairs with a smile (fake)

At the wedding...............

Y/n glance the beautiful wedding dress , and looked herself in the mirror, 

Y/n's pov.......

Is there no way of  escape from this marriage at least??
Will there be anyone who will rescue me  from here .

"Someone,  please Someone,  just someone , rescue me !!"

I  mumbled.

I  found my phone nearby. A last chance.  I  dialled a random number And waited.  Soon it rings , then soon someone received it . Before letting the person speak I  cried out

"Please,  I Don't know who are you but if you live nearby please save me , I'm getting married but I Don't want this please get me out off here , I'm begging please just please,  its M&Q  wedding hall please rescue me please "

I  Halt  suddenly hearing knock on the door and ended the call then  quickly opened it only to find

"You're not ready yet ??"

Taehyung asked in a stern voice
"I -I am just -"

I tried to reply but he harshly grabbed my shoulder.

"Does the marriage is s joke to you ??"

Taehyung asked.
Tears fell from my eyes .

"I don't want your tears y/n be ready within 5 minutes "

Taehyung replied and left her .


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