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Running his car in full speed Taehyung finally reached the spot but alas!! Only 5 injured bodies were present there

Seeing Taehyung one of them tried to get up and somehow mumbled

"Boss !! They kidnapped ma'am , and when we tried to interrupt they did this"

Hearing this Taehyung let out a groan in frustration while kicking the car

Few more cars has reached in between as well ,and Yoongi and Jimin came out in a worried expression.

"He doesn't know just what he had done!!"

Taehyung uttered like a maniac,  Yoongi and Jimin spare glance in fear .

"Taehyung calm down!! We can handle it "

Yoongi tried to calm but his anger and frustration is on other level

"Nope !! I'm going to destroy everything!!"

Taehyung uttered as he get inside the car .

Jimin shrugged off.

"We can't let him go all alone,  can we ?? Call the Hyung to prepare for the ultimate battle "

Jimin instructed getting inside his car .

Yoongi instructed his men to take the injured in hospital while he dialled a number while getting inside the car .


Y/n opened her eyes with a headache.
But then upon recalling the previous incident she immediately land to reality,
Her eyes roam the surrounding, an garage? Or a godown

She found her hands are tied but legs and mouth are free

"Who the hell are you people??"

Y/n shout noticing a figure

The figure disappeared without a word soon she heard multiple footsteps,

And a bunch of people entered Inside,

One brought a chair before Y/n and a man who's looking like a leader sat on it .

"God's most beautiful creation! I must say !!"

The man uttered examining Y/n's face ,

Y/n frown

"I know  i am, but Who are you ??"

Y/n asked glaring

"Oh !! Me ? I'm Drake , your dear lover's biggest enemy!!"

Drake uttered.

Y/n's eyes twitch.

"So why you kidnapped me ?? Instead of fighting with him ?? Such a Coward act"

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