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Y/n was wandering in the Huge Mansion, when she heard some words
She looked downstairs,  Found Taehyung and Few other were talking about something,  they're looking serious.

Y/n lean on and admire Taehyung,  He's looking super hot right now

"How attractive he is !!"

Y/n mumbled gazing at him .

"Even Jaehyuk didn't appeared this attractive,  Taehyung has a different charisma that makes him different!!"
Y/n uttered then covered her mouth in shock
"First I thought it's casual  but seems like I'm actually falling deeply,  I don't know since when I caught the feelings may it's just a First sight?? Do people get such strong connection with a First meet"

Y/n mumbled with a sigh, 

She's not a girl fall for only looks yet she can't move her eyes from him .
Feeling a gaze Taehyung upper his eyes , And found Y/n , just when their eyes met , Y/n quickly shift with embarrassment.
Taehyung chuckle.

Reaching her specified room , she laid her eyes on her dressing table and found a box

Opening it she found a new phone,

She flip it and check other things thar were kept there

"A phone??"

She mumbled

"Yes , you liked it ??"

A familiar sudden voice startled her
She turned with a jolt and smiled

"But it's for me ?? Why ??"

Y/n asked Taehyung

"A person needs a phone,  and since you left your home , you hadn't contact your parents,  you should inform them about your well being or else they will be worried "

Taehyung uttered.

Y/n is overwhelmed.

"But - but will it be OK?? I mean I has put them in a insulting situation before !! Will they answer my call ??"

Y/n asked lowering her eyes , she doesn't know why but her heart always desires to share all little information with Taehyung,  and surprisingly He listens

"They're your parents,  parents loves their children unconditionally , I bet they're worried about you Rather than caring about their reputation "

Taehyung replied

Y/n upper her eyes , Taehyung smile ,
She was mesmerised by him

"I- I will give it a try "

Y/n replied averting her eyes .

"By the way are you really going to stay here ?? "

Taehyung asked

"Yes,  why ?? You has such big House can't you give me  a little space "

Y/n suddenly whine

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