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V only smirk,
it took a year to get Y/n but all his efforts doesn't went in vein 

"The day I saw her I've decided that she'll bloom in my House forever, so I did everything "

V replied with smirk 

"But why you behave like this I mean you should have told her now that you love her "

Jimin questioned at which Taehyung (V) chuckle.

"Women love a person she has to chase , if I told her I love her , she'll find a motive why I helped her , but now she'll think I'm a great person to help her who's my nobody,  and the way I neglected her offer I bet , she'll try her best to win my heart in that way she'll fell for me harder , that's exactly what I want "

V Finished his sentence,  Jimin is

"You're Such a Genius "

Jimin replied.

"I'm the World's biggest Mafia for a reason "

V replied with a proud smirk.

"But what if she get to know once ??"

Jimin questioned.

"Who'll tell her , I've already killed the Director,  and for Jaehyuk, i have a better plan "

V replied with a smirk

Jimin's eyes widened.

"Are you sure?? "

Jimin asked.

"Ofc I am , I want Y/n to feel safe comfortable around me only , i want her to know she only has me , i want her  to rely on me completely,  and i know how I'm gonna make her do all this "

V replied.
Jimin still hesitate.

"What If Hyungs get to know anything!! If Namjoon Hyung get to know about he'll surely separate you two "

"Do you think I'll play dumb !! My Dark manipulation will force Y/n to against everyone to stay with me , that's the effect I'm going to put inside her, and Hyung, don't worry about Hyung I'm good at acting "

Taehyung uttered with a smile

Jimin nod

"Then what's your plan now ?? Waiting for her to make a move ??"

Jimin asked

"I don't think I have to wait though "

Taehyung replied with a wink

Jimin is dumbfounded


Taehyung has returned home after a meeting with his Hyungs

Y/n was peeping inside Taehyung's room only to see him working with some files

"I can see you , you can come inside "

Taehyung uttered.

Y/n felt embarrassed and slowly entered

"What you want!! "

Taehyung asked keeping the file aside

"Huh !! Nothing particularly "

Y/n uttered averting her eyes

Taehyung bite his lips , it's hard for him to control himself before her ,

He got up and stood before her

"Tell me , I'm all ear "

Taehyung replied leaning in her face

Y/n's heart skips a drop , she looked at him , and stare ,examining every single details of his , his monolids ,his mole ,
Thin lips , Y/n bite her lips

Only if she had tasted those lips

She shoved the idea while her cheeks reddened,  other Hand Taehyung is examining her face closely, his heart is pounding immensely inside but he has a great control over his emotions but when he saw Y/n's red cheeks his inner self chuckle, 

He back off

"Uh ! What were you doing before??"

Y/n asked fidgeting her fingers

"Checking your progress reports in badminton,  you should start playing again, "

Taehyung uttered. Though his original intentions were never that

Y/n's eyes lit up , a man supporting his woman , yes that's the man Y/n ever desired

"You think!!"

Y/n replied

Taehyung smile and placed his hands on Y/n's shoulder

"Yes , and remember, bad things happens sometimes, but it's past you should move on , and now you have me , so if something like that happen I'll solve everything "

Taehyung uttered,  so it would look like a comforting words , But this scratch the wound which was just started to heal

Y/n accept Taehyung's words were the concern and support he's trying to show but if something like that incident repeat?? Will Y/n be able to hold herself.

Y/n drift into deep thoughts that she failed to noticed Taehyung's evil smirk.

She soon look back

"No , I'll not Join Badminton! Never again "

Y/n replied

Taehyung's inner self is happy but he put a frown in front

"But why ?? That's your passion!! And you shouldn't hold back your past Y/n , I'm with you !!"

Taehyung uttered with concern

Y/n smile And hold his hands

"I know, you're the only one who's with me but I fear outside  , I can't risk myself again,  I don't want to go outside "

Y/n uttered. She got teary recalling the horrific moment of the hotel room

Taehyung immediately pulled her into embrace, 

"Sshhh !! Don't cry , don't cry !! You don't have to go outside!! Calm down Y/n , it's the past "

Taehyung uttered the comforting words while he sneer inaudibly

,y/n on the other hand felt herself warm in his embrace

"Your embrace is my safest place "

Y/n mumbled.


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