Wanderer/Xiao [♡]

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The universe had told you—you were weak

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The universe had told you—you were weak.

"[name] can't even summon a familiar!"

You gripped your wand in dismay, face warm upon hearing the degrading whispers of your peers. The shine of your boots were oddly interesting to you at this moment, tears beginning to well in your eyes as your lips began to tremble.

"We will move onto our next lesson." The teacher's voice echoed, lowering the whispers of the students.

You flinched as your educator turned her gaze in your direction, her face contorting into one of disappointment.

"We'll talk after class."

The rest of the day had only brought you more pain and embarrassment—although, that referred to practically everyday during your stay at the academy.

You were the weakest of witches—some might even mistake you for a normal human—despite being part of a lineage of witches and wizards. At first you had hope; perhaps, by attending one of the most prestigious witch academies of the continent, your magic would somehow just manifest.

Unfortunately, that hope stands unsubstantiated.

Your condition had been deemed far worse than you had initially expected—there was absolutely no drop of magic within you—as per inspection by your wonderful instructors of the academy.

You had hoped that maybe by summoning a familiar of your own, it could help you manifest your magic somehow. But alas—nothing.

But you were determined.

You were going to work for your magic. No matter how long it took.

"So." Your instructor before you locked her hands together, leaning against her desk. "No familiar?"

You sat nervously in front of her, hands laid gently on your lap.

Your silence simply elicited a sigh from your teacher. "If this keeps up, the academy will have to...expel you."

At her words, your head shot up in shock, eyes widening in fear. "Expel!?"

Another sigh left her lips for the nth time of the day.

"You've got no magic." She started, tone cold and merciless. "And despite that, we've kept you for so long."

"We had hoped that perhaps the summoning of a familiar would perhaps...aid this issue."

You had hoped that too. You really did.

"But...you've seen the outcome of our generous patience."

Your fingers curled tighter into fists, your nails digging painfully into your skin. But you could care less about the pain you were feeling—the ache in your chest was far more agonizing.

𝐏𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐲 |𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭|Where stories live. Discover now