Chapter 6

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As East and Lia arrived at Tory's house, the air was filled with anticipation. Tory, a trusted friend of East's, shared his home with his wife, Mariah. Tonight, they were hosting a game night for the couple-a rare opportunity for Lia to immerse herself in the company of East's inner circle.

"Nice to finally meet you, Lia," Tory greeted, his warm smile mirrored by his wife, Mariah. "I'm Mariah."

Lia returned the greeting with genuine warmth, relieved to be welcomed into the fold of East's friends

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Lia returned the greeting with genuine warmth, relieved to be welcomed into the fold of East's friends. "Would you like a glass of wine?" Mariah offered, pouring a generous measure for Lia.

"Sure, thank you," Lia replied, accepting the glass with gratitude. As the men retreated to go smoke, Lia found herself drawn into conversation with Mariah in the cozy confines of the kitchen.

"I can't believe East is getting married. Well, I knew it was inevitable, but still," Mariah remarked, initiating small talk with Lia.

"I'm just as shocked as you are," Lia admitted, her tone tinged with vulnerability. Mariah and Tory's marriage, like Lia's impending union with East, had been arranged-a fact that served as a silent bond between the two women.

As Mariah divulged the intricacies of her own journey, Lia found solace in the shared understanding of their respective burdens. Mariah had been married off by her father to settle a significant debt, and now, three years into their marriage, she and Tory were navigating the complexities of parenthood.

"It gets easier once you realize that it's set in stone," Mariah offered, her voice imbued with a sense of resignation. "You have to have babies and fulfill your duties. It becomes much easier as time goes on."

Lia absorbed Mariah's words, grappling with the weight of expectation that loomed on the horizon. "What about the kid part, though? His mom wants us to have kids fast," Lia confessed, her apprehension palpable.

"It's traditional. We're supposed to be home, having babies. They need boys to pass on their legacy," Mariah explained, her words laden with the weight of generations of tradition. "If you have a girl, she gets married off."

As Lia processed the implications of Mariah's revelation, she couldn't help but feel the tendrils of fate tightening around her, binding her to a future that felt increasingly predetermined. Yet, amidst the constraints of tradition and expectation, Lia found solace in the bond she shared with Mariah-a silent understanding that transcended the confines of their respective roles.

The atmosphere in Tory and Mariah's lavish living room was tinged with laughter and camaraderie as the couples settled into the rhythm of the evening. Glasses of wine in hand, they exchanged banter and indulged in the friendly competition of the game night.

"What if we could star in a reality TV show about our lives? Would you do it?" Mariah's question hung in the air, drawing Lia's attention away from the game for a moment.

"Like 'Mob Wives'? Um, no. I'm pretty private. I enjoy watching stuff like that, though," Lia replied, her tone laced with amusement as the girls shared a laugh, while their men exchanged knowing glances.

"Alright, next question, babe. We don't need to be on TV," Tory interjected, steering the conversation away from the realm of reality television.

But Lia, emboldened by the playful atmosphere of the evening, seized the opportunity to pose a question of her own, directing her gaze towards East. "Wait, I have a question. What do you value most in relationships?"

"Loyalty, respect, honesty," East replied, his words carrying the weight of a lifetime spent navigating the treacherous waters of the underworld. "Living by a code your whole life, I need to know if you're with me or not. That's the type of life we live."

Chris, his arm wrapped protectively around his wife, nodded in agreement. "Loyalty is everything. You have to trust the person you lay next to, and that's your wife."

As Lia and East sat side by side, their gazes lingering on one another, they were reminded of the delicate balance they were navigating in their newfound arrangement. In a world where trust was currency and loyalty was prized above all else, they found solace in the unspoken bond that tethered them together-a bond forged in the crucible of shared experiences and mutual understanding.

The night was still young when East and Lia returned home, the echoes of their evening's revelry lingering in the air like a fragrant memory. Lia, unsteady from the wine she had indulged in with Mariah, clung to East for support, her giggles blending with the soft hum of the night.

"I got you, come on," East murmured, his voice a gentle rumble as he scooped Lia into his arms. Her laughter, light and musical, echoed through the hallway, intertwining with the warmth of his steady hold. It was a melody of shared moments, a symphony of burgeoning connection.

They navigated through the obstacle course of Lia's discarded shoes, each step a testament to the impromptu nature of their evening. As East stumbled over a particularly precarious pair of stilettos, his balance wavered, sending them both tumbling onto the massive king bed. They landed in a heap, their laughter filling the room, a joyous cacophony that seemed to chase away the shadows lurking in the corners.

Bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, the room took on an ethereal quality, the silvery beams casting gentle shadows across their intertwined forms. East found himself captivated by the sight of Lia, her features softened by the moon's tender caress. She looked ethereal, almost otherworldly, in the half-light.

"No more wine for you," he teased, his voice tinged with affection. "You're a lightweight."

Lia's laughter bubbled up again, but this time it was softer, more intimate. "Thank you for tonight," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I guess I needed a new friend."

There was a vulnerability in her words that made East's heart clench. He leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. "Anytime," he murmured, the promise hanging between them like a delicate thread.

As he gently extricated himself from her embrace, East's fingers lingered on her skin, the warmth of her touch searing into his memory. He rose from the bed, his movements slow and deliberate, as if unwilling to break the spell of the moment.

"Goodnight, Lia," he said, his voice heavy with unspoken sentiments. He paused at the doorway, casting one last look at her before stepping into the hallway, leaving behind the echoes of their laughter and the promise of uncharted possibilities.

The house fell silent once more, the stillness of the night settling around them like a comforting blanket. Yet, within the sanctuary of their home, something had shifted. In the intertwining of laughter and unguarded confessions, East and Lia had taken a step closer to each other, their paths converging in ways neither had anticipated.

As Lia drifted into sleep, her dreams were filled with the warmth of East's arms and the sound of their shared laughter. And somewhere in the quiet darkness mancave, East found himself replaying the evening's moments, his heart stirred by the unexpected connection they had forged.

In the quiet sanctuary of their home, beneath the watchful gaze of the moon, a new chapter of their story was beginning, one filled with promise, vulnerability, and the fragile beauty of newfound friendship.


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