Chapter 11

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Lia woke up to the gentle hum of the air conditioner and the soft rays of morning sunlight filtering through the curtains. She blinked, adjusting to the light, and then her eyes fell on East, sleeping soundly beside her. The events of the previous night replayed in her mind, a mix of emotions swirling within her. She was no longer a virgin, and the reality of their arranged marriage was sinking in.

Deciding to order breakfast from room service, Lia slipped out of bed carefully, not wanting to wake East. She picked up the phone and requested a lavish spread-pancakes, omelets, fresh fruit, and, of course, a pot of strong coffee.

"Good morning, handsome," Lia said softly, making her way to the restroom to freshen up. Her voice stirred East from his slumber. He opened his eyes, taking in the sight of her as she moved gracefully, her curves accentuated in the morning light.

"Good morning, beautiful," East replied, stretching languidly. "What do you want to do today? It's up to you."

Lia smiled at him, feeling a newfound sense of freedom and possibility. As she brushed her teeth and washed her face, she let her thoughts wander. She was now a part of this world-a world of wealth, power, and hidden dangers. But for the moment, she wanted to escape, to enjoy this new chapter of her life.

"I wish we could go somewhere like Dubai or something," Lia said, stepping back into the bedroom, now wearing a plush robe with her curls pulled into a bun.

East, still lying in bed, admired her natural beauty. "You do know we're rich, right? I can get us a private jet, and we can go wherever you like, Mrs. Luke."

Lia's eyes widened in excitement as she jumped onto the bed, causing East to laugh. "Oh my God, are you serious? I knew we had money, but not like that!" she exclaimed.

"Wherever you want to go, babe," East said, kissing her hand tenderly.

"How about Greece? That's been on my bucket list," Lia suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Greece it is," East agreed, pulling her into a hug. "I'll make the arrangements. We can leave tonight if you want."

As they cuddled, their breakfast arrived, and they shared the meal in a comfortable silence, each bite delicious and decadent. The warmth of the food and the company made Lia feel a little more secure in this unfamiliar territory.

After breakfast, East made a few calls, and by early afternoon, everything was set. They were leaving for Greece that evening, a private jet ready to whisk them away to the sun-soaked beaches and ancient ruins. The thought of exploring a new country together filled Lia with a sense of adventure.

As they packed for the trip, Lia couldn't help but think about the complexities of their situation. The arranged marriage, her parents' schemes, and the secrets that bound their families together. But for now, she chose to focus on the present, to embrace the possibilities that lay ahead.

By the time they boarded the private jet, Lia felt a mix of nerves and excitement. She held East's hand as they took off, the city lights below growing smaller and smaller until they were just a glittering memory.

"Here's to new beginnings," East said, raising a glass of champagne as they settled into their luxurious seats.

"To new beginnings," Lia echoed, clinking her glass with his.

As the plane soared into the night, Lia allowed herself to dream of what their future might hold. The challenges were far from over, but with East by her side, she felt ready to face whatever came their way. Greece was just the beginning-a symbol of the freedom and adventure that awaited them. And for the first time in a long while, Lia felt happy.

Maria Gotti sat in her kitchen, the sun filtering through the lace curtains, casting delicate patterns on the wooden table. She was meticulously reviewing her life insurance policies, the dense legalese blurring into an unintelligible mass as her mind wandered. She sighed deeply, muttering to herself, "I need more money on this." The numbers weren't adding up, and she felt the weight of her financial concerns pressing down on her.

The sound of footsteps on the polished floor broke her concentration. Her housekeeper appeared in the doorway, a hint of nervousness in her voice. "Mrs. Gotti, you have a guest."

Maria's heart skipped a beat. She knew who it was before she saw him. Frank Luke entered the room with the confidence of a man who always got what he wanted. He flashed a predatory smile as he approached her. "Well, good afternoon, beautiful," he purred, his voice dripping with sinister charm.

Maria quickly closed the folder, trying to regain her composure. "My husband should be home shortly," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.

Frank's eyes narrowed as he leaned over and grabbed her hand, pulling it to his lips. "Once everything is said and done, we'll be together," he whispered, his breath warm against her skin.

Maria snatched her hand away, her anger bubbling to the surface. "You've been saying this for years, Frank. You're never going to divorce her. I even gave up my daughter to be with your son so we can still be around one another." Her voice cracked as she fought back tears.

Frank wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. His kiss was meant to soothe, but it felt like a prison. "I can't do this anymore, Frank," Maria yelled, shoving him away with a strength born of desperation.

Frank's face hardened, his eyes cold. "You're going to do what I tell you to do. Your husband will be gone soon, and your daughter is a Luke now. I'll always take care of you," he said, his voice a steel trap that snapped shut around her.

Maria watched him leave, her mind racing. She was trapped in a web of deceit and danger, and there seemed to be no way out. The arrangement had seemed simple at first-her daughter Lia marrying East, Frank's son-but it had become a tangled mess of lies and broken promises.


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