Chapter 15

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Bianca sat in the dimly lit private room of an exclusive club, sipping her dirty martini as she waited for Mr. Luke. The room exuded an air of secrecy and power, a fitting backdrop for the conversation she was about to have. She knew she was playing with fire, but the life she once had and the comfort that came with it were worth the risk.

"Bianca, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Frank Luke asked, walking in with a confident stride. He sat next to her, his eyes gleaming with curiosity and something more sinister.

"You told me things would be different," Bianca began, her voice steady but her eyes betraying her desperation. "I want East back. I know he's married, but still."

Frank leaned back, taking a long pull from his cigar. The smoke curled around his face, giving him a devilish appearance. "How badly do you want East?" he asked, his voice low and menacing.

Bianca hesitated for a moment, then steeled herself. "I want him badly. I'll do whatever it takes."

Frank smiled, a slow, calculating smile. "Whatever it takes? I suggest you come to the next charity event. It'll be a pleasant surprise."

Before she could respond, Frank leaned in, kissing her with an unsettling intensity. Bianca's heart pounded as he pulled away, leaving her alone at the table with her thoughts and the lingering taste of his cigar.

Unbeknownst to them, Tory had overheard the entire conversation. He and his wife, Mariah, had been led to a private table nearby, and the walls were thinner than Frank had realized. Tory's mind raced as he processed what he had just heard.

"Baby, is everything alright?" Mariah asked, noticing his tense expression.

"Yeah, babe. Just thinking about business," he replied, forcing a smile. But his thoughts were far from business. He knew he had to warn East about this new development. Bianca's desperation, combined with Frank's machinations, could spell trouble.


Later that evening, Tory made his way to East's office. The air was thick with the usual tension of their clandestine meetings, but tonight it felt more urgent. East looked up as Tory entered, sensing something was off.

"What's up, bro? You look like you've seen a ghost," East said, half-jokingly.

Tory closed the door behind him and leaned against it, his expression serious. "We've got a problem. I overheard Frank and Bianca talking. She wants you back, man, and she's willing to do whatever it takes."

East's jaw tightened. "What did Frank say?"

"He told her to come to the next charity event. Said it would be a 'pleasant surprise.'" Tory's voice was laced with concern.

East sighed, rubbing his temples. "Of course he did. He's always got some scheme up his sleeve."

"Listen, we need to keep an eye on Bianca. And you need to make sure Lia is safe. Whatever Frank has planned, it's not good," Tory warned.

East nodded, already thinking of how to fortify their security. "I'll take care of it. Thanks for the heads-up, bro."


The night of the charity event arrived, and the ballroom was filled with New York's elite, glittering in their finest attire. East and Lia arrived hand in hand, their smiles masking the tension they both felt. They knew this was more than just a social event; it was a stage set for whatever scheme Frank had devised.

Bianca made her entrance, her eyes immediately seeking out East. She wore a stunning red gown that turned heads as she moved through the crowd. When her eyes met East's, she smiled, a look of determination in her gaze.

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