Chapter 5

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The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the empty room as Lia sat alone at the breakfast table. Her avocado toast lay untouched, her appetite lost amidst the turmoil of emotions swirling inside her.

As she scrolled through her phone, Lia's heart sank at the sight of East's social media post, a pang of embarrassment washing over her as she realized he had been out all night with another woman. Despite the arranged nature of their engagement, the public display of infidelity cut deep, leaving Lia feeling betrayed and humiliated.

When East finally stumbled through the door, his disheveled appearance and the lingering scent of perfume confirming Lia's worst fears, she couldn't help but feel a surge of anger and disappointment wash over her.

"Look who's home," Lia remarked, her voice tinged with bitterness as she confronted East about his indiscretions.

"Good morning, Lia. My bad, I got caught up last night," East replied, his words falling flat in the face of Lia's accusations.

But Lia was not one to be easily placated, her frustration bubbling over as she lashed out at East with a ferocity he had never seen before. The sweet and kind demeanor she had always shown him was replaced by a steely resolve, her words cutting through the air like a knife.

"Save it! You smell like perfume, and I saw you all over social media with some girl. Thanks for the embarrassment!" Lia yelled, her voice echoing off the walls of the empty room.

As the weight of Lia's words sank in, East felt a sense of remorse wash over him. He had never intended to hurt her, but in his quest to escape the confines of their arranged marriage, he had unwittingly caused her more pain than he could ever have imagined.

"They will kill my parents. This has to look real as possible. I don't even care what you do, but we have to be married. Happily married!" Lia declared, her voice filled with determination as she left East alone in their living room, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air between them.

 Happily married!" Lia declared, her voice filled with determination as she left East alone in their living room, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air between them

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Lia threw herself into decorating their new home with a fervor that surprised even herself. With each piece of furniture carefully placed and every decoration meticulously chosen, she created a space that felt uniquely hers, a sanctuary from the chaos of the outside world.

As she worked alongside the movers and delivery guys, Lia was in her element, her mind focused solely on the task at hand. She didn't even want East's input, still reeling from the embarrassment he had caused her with his late-night escapades.

But as the day wore on and the house began to take shape, Lia couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her accomplishments. The modern look she had envisioned was coming together beautifully, a testament to her creativity and determination.

"The place looks nice," East remarked as he entered the kitchen, his voice breaking through Lia's thoughts.

"Thanks," Lia replied softly, her voice tinged with a hint of annoyance.

"My bad, I never meant for that to happen. Moving forward, we should really date and get to know one another," East spoke, his words sincere as he tried to make amends for his past mistakes.

Lia listened to his words, a glimmer of hope stirring within her. Despite the pain he had caused her, she couldn't deny the pull she felt towards him, the possibility of a future together lingering tantalizingly on the horizon.

But as she looked into East's eyes, Lia knew that their journey was far from over. With the weight of their families' expectations bearing down on them, they would need to navigate a delicate balance between duty and desire, finding a way to make their marriage look as real as possible while also forging a genuine connection with one another.

East sat in the dimly lit room, the smell of cigar smoke lingering in the air as his family discussed business matters. Shipment details, pickups, and the constant need to keep the money flowing seamlessly dominated the conversation. Yet, amidst the chaos of the underworld, East couldn't shake off the weight of his personal life.

"You need to make sure you keep an eye on Gotti after you marry Lia," his uncle's gruff voice broke through the haze of his thoughts.

"With all due respect, Unc, amidst all this bullshit, you still want me to marry his daughter?" East's confusion was evident in his tone.

"She's always been up for the bid. He knew that," his father interjected, his voice carrying the weight of years of experience in the family business.

As East contemplated the tangled web of his future, he returned home to find Lia engrossed in a wedding dress show, completely unaware of the million-dollar family she was marrying into.

"Hey, what's up?" East's voice cut through the silence, grabbing Lia's attention.

"Hey, East," Lia replied, her focus still on the TV screen. "What's this?" he asked, taking a seat beside her.

Lia felt a flutter in her chest at his proximity, a sensation she wasn't accustomed to. She knew East was handsome, sometimes charming, but often carried a harsh and mean demeanor.

"They're showing wedding dresses. I guess I'm getting some inspiration," Lia replied nervously, stealing glances at East.

As East leaned closer, his arm casually draping behind her, Lia felt a warmth spreading through her. "So, I come home from work, and you just watch these types of shows?" he teased, his gaze locked on her hazel eyes illuminated by the TV's soft glow.

"No, I also watch 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' and 'Real Housewives' too," Lia retorted, mustering up the courage to meet his gaze.

East couldn't help but smile at her reply, a genuine smile that Lia found herself drawn to. "You have a really nice smile with your mean mug," Lia teased, her cheeks flushing at her boldness.

"And you're really beautiful, Aaliyah," East's admission caught Lia off guard, the sincerity in his voice melting away her reservations.

East and Kierra sat on their plush couch, the silence of the room enveloping them. Sensing the need for a change of scenery, East spoke up, breaking the quietude that lingered between them.

"Come on, get dressed. We're going out tonight. Loosen up a bit, make you some new friends," he urged, pulling Lia up from the comfort of the couch.

"Friends? Where are we going?" Lia questioned, her curiosity piqued as East guided her towards her walk-in closet.

"I'm going to introduce you to my friend wife, so you don't feel so alone," East explained, his tone gentle yet resolute.

Lia couldn't deny the truth in East's words. Despite the opulence surrounding her, she often found herself engulfed in solitude. As an only child, she was accustomed to spending long hours by herself, and the recent loss of one of her closest friend had only exacerbated her sense of isolation.

"Um, okay," Lia acquiesced, her nerves palpable as she contemplated the prospect of socializing with East's acquaintances. She was no stranger to attending gatherings with East, but the thought of forging genuine connections with strangers left her feeling apprehensive.


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