Chapter 24

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East and Tory sat in the back of their van, the low hum of the engine the only sound as they prepared for the mission ahead. The dim interior light cast long shadows across their faces, highlighting the tension etched into every line. Their men were gathered around, checking their weapons and securing their bulletproof vests.

"All set, bro," Tory said, his voice steady but his eyes betraying a hint of concern. He could see the turmoil in East's eyes, the weight of the revelations from the charity event still pressing down on him.

East nodded, trying to push aside the thoughts that had been consuming him since the night his family's dark secrets were laid bare. His father, Frank, had lied to him his entire life. He had a brother-Alex-whom he now shared with his wife, Lia. The irony and complexity of the situation were not lost on him, but he had to focus. He was in charge of the family business now, and tonight's task was to catch his father-in-law, John Gotti.

The mission was clear, but East's mind was anything but. He was about to become a father himself, and the idea of bringing a child into a world filled with so much deceit and danger was weighing heavily on him. He glanced at Tory, his trusted right-hand man, and saw a reflection of his own worries. They were both in deep, deeper than either of them had ever imagined.

"Alright, everyone knows the plan. We hit Gotti's safe house, get in, get him, and get out. No unnecessary risks. We do this clean," East instructed, his voice firm despite the chaos in his mind.

As they approached the target location, East's thoughts drifted to Lia. How was she coping with the news? How would she feel knowing he was about to take down her father? He shook his head, trying to clear the image of her tear-streaked face from his mind. This was the life they were tied to, and he had to protect her and their unborn child at all costs.

The van came to a halt a few blocks away from the safe house. East and his men moved swiftly, blending into the shadows as they approached their target. The night was thick with tension, every sound amplified by their heightened senses.

Tory signaled the men to spread out, taking their positions around the house. East took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. The weight of his father's betrayal, the newfound knowledge of his brother, and the impending confrontation with his father-in-law all coalesced into a single moment of clarity.

"Move in," East whispered into his earpiece, and his men sprang into action.

They breached the doors with practiced precision, storming the house in a coordinated sweep. East led the charge, his heart pounding in his chest as he moved through the dimly lit rooms. He found John Gotti in a back room, surrounded by his own men.

A firefight erupted, the crack of gunfire echoing through the house. East's men were well-trained, moving with lethal efficiency. Gotti's men fell quickly, and soon, only Gotti remained, cornered and defiant.

"East, what is the meaning of this?" Gotti spat, his eyes blazing with anger.

East leveled his gun at Gotti, his hands steady despite the turmoil inside. "It's over, Gotti. You're coming with us."

Gotti laughed bitterly. "Do you think taking me down will solve anything? You're just a pawn, East. Always have been."

East's jaw tightened. "Maybe so. But tonight, this pawn takes down a king."

As his men secured Gotti, East felt a strange sense of detachment. This was the culmination of everything he had been taught, everything he had been bred to do. Yet, it felt hollow, like a victory won at too great a cost.

They loaded Gotti into the van, and as they drove back, East's mind drifted again to Lia. He knew this was far from over. The lies, the secrets-they would continue to haunt them. But he also knew that he would do whatever it took to protect his family, to carve out some semblance of a future amidst the chaos.

When they arrived back at their base, East instructed his men to lock Gotti in the holding cell. As he walked away, Tory fell into step beside him.

"What's next, bro?" Tory asked quietly.

East took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the night's events settle over him. "We deal with the fallout, Tory. One step at a time."

East rubbed his wife Lia's eight-month belly gently, the warmth of their connection soothing his frayed nerves. The dining room of the Luke estate, with its opulent decor and heavy chandeliers, was filled with the usual tense ambiance. Familiar faces surrounded the table, but tonight, the undercurrent of tension felt especially sharp.

East sat beside Lia, feeding their young son, who giggled and reached for the spoon. He tried to catch a glimpse of his son's face, but everything seemed hazy, like looking through a fog. The details of the room and the people in it slipped through his grasp, leaving him with a sense of unease.

Suddenly, a loud argument broke out at the head of the table. Mrs. Evelyn Luke, East's mother, was glaring furiously at her husband, Frank.

"Easton, all of this could have been avoided if you did what I told you to do!" she shouted across the table, her voice cutting through the air like a knife.

The room's atmosphere thickened with the weight of unspoken grievances and simmering tensions. East felt paralyzed, unable to move from his chair as the argument escalated. The words became a blur, just a rising cadence of anger and accusation.

Then, a deafening pop echoed through the room, making his ears ring. Blood splattered across Lia's face, and he felt even more immobilized, trapped in the horror of the moment.

With a jolt, East woke up, heart pounding and drenched in sweat. He looked around, disoriented, until he realized he was in his bedroom. The nightmare had felt all too real.

"You okay, baby?" Lia asked sleepily, her voice filled with concern.

"Yeah, go back to bed," he responded, trying to sound calm as he got up to use the restroom.

East splashed cold water on his face, staring at his reflection in the mirror. The face that looked back at him was almost unrecognizable. The weight of his responsibilities, the lies, and the violence had changed him. Having John Gotti locked away in one of his cells only added to the pressure. It felt like his world was crumbling around him, and he was powerless to stop it.

He returned to the bedroom, watching Lia as she slept. Her peaceful expression was a stark contrast to the turmoil inside him. He knew he had to protect her and their unborn child, but the cost of doing so was tearing him apart.

But as he closed his eyes, the darkness of his dreams loomed once more, threatening to engulf him. The lines between nightmare and reality were blurring, and East knew that he had to find a way to bring clarity and peace to their lives before it was too late.


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