introduction + love insterests !!

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Matsuno Y/n

"I promise to do whatever it takes for Kisaki Tetta to get what he deserves"

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"I promise to do whatever it takes for Kisaki Tetta to get what he deserves"

Some explanation for Y/n !!

Of course, it will be a Reader POV so you guys can imagine Y/n as yourself !! However, I will be choosing her appearance, n since she is Chifuyu's sister, she will have long, black hair n emerald green eyes (twinning w/ our bro !! 🤞) in the past (starting at 14/15, but she will grow older within the story) while in the future, (26/27) her hair will remain long but blonde. Any other details, such as height, weight etc, will be up to you guys 🫶 Now about her personality, uu will see most throughout the story, but apart from a naive little teenage girl, she is A BADASS— or, at least she tries?

Let's head to the Love Interests !!

Keisuke Baji (main love interest)

Keisuke Baji (main love interest)

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"My dear princess.."

Tachibana Naoto

"By my side or not, I just want to see her happy

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"By my side or not, I just want to see her happy.."

Hanemiya Kazutora

"It's all my fault

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"It's all my fault.."

Atsushi Sendou / Akkun

 "O-Of course I'll help you, Y/n!"

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"O-Of course I'll help you, Y/n!"

Shiba Taiju

"That girl is getting on my nerves

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"That girl is getting on my nerves.."

Muto Yasuhiro/Mucho

Muto Yasuhiro/Mucho

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Tetta Kisaki

"You're cute

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"You're cute.."
hope uu enjoy reading !!

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