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"I'm Ajax."

"Sorry can you repeat that again?" your attention had accidentally been grabbed by a little blonde-haired girl that was passing by. You swore you had recognized her but you didn't know from where.

I'm gonna lose it, Childe screamed internally as his soul was slowly being sucked out of him after he built up so much courage to finally tell you just for you to not even hear him properly.

It's okay right? He can just repeat it again.

"I'm actually Aj-"

"Y/n! Childe!" Venti shouted from the end of the hallway running down with his arms up swaying around the contract papers in his hands excitingly.

"Venti! Is that the paperwork?" you asked, your back turned to Childe who slouched down in utter defeat.

"Yes! Is Childe done showing you around? We can head back to my office and go over it so you can go home after," Venti replied.

"Childe, are you done showing me around?" you turned back around to face him only to find him with a completely dead inside expression.

"Are you okay...?"

"Yup... go on," Childe tremblingly held up a thumbs up letting you know it was okay. "I'm sorry! Tell me when we run into each other again, okay? Bye bye Childe thanks again," you said, running over to Venti.

"Yea, for sure..."

You went over the whole contract with Venti agreeing to it after reading the whole thing because you never know when something could be a scam even if It's from a well-known company.

"Thank goodness It's no longer just the three of them I was beginning to get tired of having to fill in the fourth spot for stuff," Venti sighed in relief taking the contract from your hand.

"Wait so It's official I'm on the team with Childe, Xiao, and Hu tao?"


"I feel kind of pressured now," you admitted bringing your head down sulking getting a laugh from him. "No worries you've worked hard to deserve a spot on this team," Venti smiled, reassuring your worries.

"Thank you Venti, I hope we get closer from now on," you bowed your head down grateful to finally be employed like this.

"Same to you."

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