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ᯓ★ - " I'M AJAX ... "

"Y/n! Over here!" A familiar voice called out to you from a far. The minute you entered the place was packed with a bunch of workers and a various amount of people you never thought you'd meet.

"Hi Venti I hope I'm not late," you walked up to the boy. It felt a little odd seeing him without his face mask and everything else he used to cover himself up in public.

"Nope you're just on time! In fact, I think you'll be able to meet the team," Venti hummed looking at the time.

"The team?" you tilted your head. It was the first time you were hearing about this since he only offered for you to join the company.

"Yup! Your possible teams that is but I'm hoping you get under mine," Venti answered.

"That would be an honor but I'm afraid I'm not on level with the top three yet," you awkwardly chuckled not wanting to be put under stress.

"Ehh you'll be finee, a lot of people have taken a liking to you so I'm sure it won't be a big deal," he assured.


The two of you made your way to Venti's office which was connected to a lounge where his team could slouch around and take breaks when needed. Their whole entire area in the building felt like an apartment building with different rooms.

"Hey guys! Y/n's heree," Venti announced, swinging the door open to reveal two familiar people on the couch.

You had met one of them before but not the girl who sat beside him. They both stared at you for a few seconds before a smile crept up on her face standing up and making her way towards you.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Hu tao," She extended her hand out. "I'm Y/n! I've heard a lot about your streams," you smiled back shaking her hand squealing inside.

"This is Xiao. He might seem a little grumpy at first but he's a sweetheart when you get to know him," she introduced pointing her thumb to the male.

"Sweetheart? Your phrasing is always weird," Xiao repeated glaring daggers at her. She laughed it off scratching her head. They seemed to be close to one another which made sense.

"We have another member and you probably know who it is," Hu tao hummed wanting to introduce him as well but couldn't find him.

"Venti, where's Childe?" She turned to Venti who looked just as confused as she was. "I think he got dragged into more work by Bennett, you know how he is," Venti replied.

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