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"She dated who now?"

"I don't think we should be talking about this," you spoke up not feeling comfortable with the current topic.

Childe respected your wishes not asking any more questions about the topic. Klee seemed confused but sensing the awkward atmosphere she didn't dare to speak up about it either.

"You said we would go hangout. Is that offer still on the table?" Childe asked. "Of course," you smiled appreciating him not pressuring you.

The three of you walked around the arcade playing games and laughing with one another. Even though you had rejected Childe's date. It almost felt as if he ended up getting it in the end.

"Hold on my friend's calling me. I'll be right back, okay?" you informed to the two walking away to answer Thoma's phone call.

Childe threw you a thumbs up before snapping his head to Klee who was sitting down on the bench beside him eating her dipping dots peacefully as she swung her feet in the air.

"So Y/n dated Albedo?"

"Yah! They were the best!" Klee answered looking up to Childe without a single clue in the world. Childe wasn't going to be all in your business about what happened with Albedo and you.

He was just curious was all as to why he'd never known such a close acquaintance of his was actually your ex-lover.

He wasn't one to be messy but he couldn't help thinking what Albedo's reaction could be to finding out the relationship between him and you.

"Hey, you're really creepy," Klee insulted staring at the smug grin forming on Childe's face.

"Hey! You can't say that to me I'm literally taking care of you missy," Childe pointed lecturing her. Klee rolled her eyes giggling finding it funny whenever she makes fun of him.

"Childe, why are you yelling at Klee?" you asked confused as you walked into the scene.

"He's weird."


You managed to split the two a part after watching them bicker at each other for a while. You never knew this side of Klee since she always seemed like a sweet angel who did no harm to anybody.

Well, maybe except for the last part since she did go around throwing fake bombs at everybody in the city.

"Psst Klee, doesn't that kind of look like him?" you nudged her softly to catch her attention. She turned to where you were pointing and burst out in laughter.

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