Chapter 1: O.W. Project Page 5

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She laughs while saying in response with a smile spread across her face and a unstable tone, "You are an idiot if you think I'll understand what you mean by that. I AM A KILLER, and you talk to me as if you could make me understand how it feels to have your parents die. I killed my parents." I look at Doc, feeling my eye change shape and two things coming out of my back and my forehead. As if Doc knows what I am thinking. He walks away from me, stopping next to the door. I look at Julia, then she shivers as I glare at her. She walks backwards, trying to get out of the situation, but falls onto her bed. She gets off on the other side of the bed. Julia looks into my eyes with fear, then asks herself, "What's wrong with what I said I just spoke my mind so why am I feeling so afraid of you?"

I walk to her, noticing the fear in her eyes as I say, "Never talk to me as if I care about proving to you I am part human." I punch her in the gut, then she falls to the ground, coughing. I walk over to Doc, taking a deep breath while saying to myself, "Calm down or you'll kill her."

Doc smiles, while saying, "You are pretty scary when you are mad."

I look at him then ask with a slightly annoyed tone, "What do you mean?" He points to Julia on the ground, coughing and crying a little.

He smiles while saying, "She was afraid of the hatred in your stare, it even started to freak me out." I feel my eyes changing shape again and the things on my back and forehead disappear. Doc smiles again, while saying in a slightly interested and excited tone, "You found out how to change from the demon form back to your human form, Hmm?"

I look at him, then say with a confused tone, "I did?"

He smiles, saying, "Your demon form is connected to your emotions I would guess. I wonder what type of demon you are to have your emotions connected to your demonic abilities?" He shakes his head while saying, "That's not what I came here to do, though. It's time for your test, Julia." She gets up, barely able to balance herself as she is wiping away what looks like puke on her face. She nods then walks up to Doc, using him as a balance. Doc then tells me, "You are coming with us." Julia flinches the moment he says that.

I nod, saying, "Yes sir." I walk with both of them down the hall but not all the way to the lab, stopping about three-fifths of the way there. Doc knocks on the door, then Julia lets go of him, finally able to balance herself fully. I walk next to Julia as I say to her with a slightly pitiful tone, "Sorry for that."

She looks at me, confused, asking with a confused tone, "Why are you saying sorry?"

I look her in the eyes as I say, "I punched you in the gut. So that's all."

She looks at the door as it opens then Doc says, "This is the training room."

I walk into the training room, with Julia following me. Julia runs around the room with excitement, then Doc says, "This is where you will be training. So your test will be to teach Noah how to use a weapon like a knife or dagger."

She looks at Doc, then asks, "What? Why do I have to teach him?" I roll my eyes then look around, noticing a double-edged Katana. I pick the double-edged Katana up and the Katana scabbard, looking at both.

Doc walks to me asking with slight curiosity, "Hey now, do you know how to use a sword like that?"

I look him in the eye as I say, "I learned from my father." I point the blade at his neck, then I sheath the Katana. I look at Julia, then ask, "Do you know how to fight with a blade?"

She nods, picking up a short sword while saying, "Yeah, why?"

I look at her as I say, "How about duel?"

She looks at me confused and points the sword at me, asking with a slightly concerned tone, "Why would I?"

I look her in the eyes while saying, "We could bet. For example, I could bet that if you win I would work underneath you as a subordinate, but if I win, you would work as my subordinate."

O.W. #44Where stories live. Discover now