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Harry came off the stage in a tizzy. The whole crowd chanting his name. Y/n was first to meet him. She ran into his arms. "Harry that was amazing! You did so good!" Harry hugged Y/n as tight as he could and swung her around. "Thank you, baby. Thank you." Darcy was standing next to Y/n along with Isaiah. "Darcy, Isaiah, how did daddy do? Did he get a thumbs up?" Darcy raised her little hand to show Harry her thumb and Isaiah did his best to copy her. "That's the best approval I need. One show down, 88 to go." Y/n started crying at Harry's words. Her head was spinning with multiple emotions she could barely keep her head on straight. "You okay?" Harry looked at her worriedly. "Absolutely. It's just...crazy to see you up there alone. Like I was half waiting for the boys to come out sometime. But it was fantastic to see you in your element again." Harry nodded and wiped the sweat from his forehead and sat on one of the seats in his dressing room. Isaiah got on his lap and played with the buttons on his shirt. "Dadaa." Harry smiled and rubbed his boys back. "Yeah, buddy. Daddy is tired." Y/n gave Darcy one of her little toys and sat next to her. "Well who wouldn't be? You moved around like you had ants in your pants." Harry stuck his tongue out between his teeth at Y/n. "Well I don't know about you but I'm ready to go to the hotel. I'm beyond ready for a shower." Y/n carried Isaiah and Harry carried Darcy to the car and strapped them in. "There we go. Ready?" Isaiah was half asleep and didn't answer but Darcy smiled. Y/n had on a little black dress with high heels on and her hair curled for the show. She crossed her legs in the car while Harry drove. "I think you do that shit just to get me going." Y/n didn't know what he was talking about at first but then she caught on. "I have noooo idea what you're talking about." Harry nodded and puffed his lips out slightly. "Mhhmm I bet you don't." He put his hand on her thigh and slowly raised it up towards the tip of her dress. He went higher up to her panty line. He moved some fabric but he didn't get much farther. She grabbed his hands in interlocked her fingers with his. "Nope. Not tonight. You're too tired remember?" Harry looked into the backseat and noticed two sleeping kids before he said anything. "Well I did just perform a sold out show. I think I deserve a little reward for that? If anything some hardcore cuddles?" Y/n sighed and smiled. "Now that I can definitely do."
When they got to the hotel both kids was asleep and wasn't even close to waking up. Unfortunately they had to so they could get ready for bed. Isaiah screamed at the top of his lungs when he got woken up. "Baby you have to get those clothes off. You're all sweaty." He was not having it and gave Harry a run for his money. "Y/n help me here?" All Y/n had to do was touch the baby and he calmed down enough to take his clothes off to get wiped off. "There." She walked away with Harry in shock. "Now how the hell did you do that?" Y/n shrugged her shoulders and wiped Darcy off with some baby wipes for the night. "Because I'm mommy." Harry rolled his eyes and continued to care for his screaming boy. He finally got his clothes on and let him lay back down with a bottle next to Darcy. "There. That was a challenge tonight." Harry got in the shower next to get all the after show sweat off of him. When he came out Y/n changed into her night shorts and tank top. "Are you not gonna shower?" Y/n got in bed waiting for Harry. "Nah. I took one before the show so I'm good. So what's on the agenda for tomorrow?" Harry got in bed with her and she cuddled up to him. "Well I have five days off to go to the next city, and in that time I figured we could have a night out. And then CITY NAMES show. That one is bigger than the one I just did." Y/n played with Harry's fingers and his wedding ring. "So do you think this tour will be fun? Like without the boys?" Harry texted Mitch back and rubbed his face. "I hope so. It's still not the same but my band is cool, my fans are cool, I'm cool." Y/n pursed her lips and looked at Harry. "What about me? Am I not cool?" Harry smiled and looked at Y/n. "You know damn well you're not cool. You're hot." Harry turned over and leaned on his elbow and hovered a little over Y/n. He touched her face and kissed her nose. "Still as beautiful as the day we met." Y/n laughed a little at his comment. " I'm still as ugly as ever." Harry didn't like that and started tickling her. "Oh no you don't, baby. You're beautiful, gorgeous and everything else under the sun." Y/n wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and kissed his lips hoping that this tour goes by not only quickly, but successfully.

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